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Interdisciplinary Lunchbox Seminars on EU Integration: an introduction to the EU, EU law and policies for university students and staff
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Interdisciplinary Lunchbox Seminars on EU Integration offer an introduction to the EU and EU related subjects for students and staff of all faculties of Ozyegin University, high school students in the last year of their studies, and other interested public. The Seminars especially target the faculties that do not offer EU related courses in their curriculum. The Lunchbox Seminars are not designed to provide the participants with complex information on the EU, but aims at making the EU and its actions understandable and attractive in an unceremonious way. Attention will also be given to EU related subjects especially relevant to the field of study of the particular group attending, a topical issue from the EU itself or a local issue that is directly related to the EU. The format of the Seminars (in which the participants are allowed to consume their lunch during the course of the Seminar as its name already indicates) which is new in Turkey but is a wide-spread phenomena in the US where they are called ‘brown bag seminars’, encourages the realization of an informal atmosphere in which a discussion is more likely to take off. As the Seminars are organized during lunchtime, they will not interfere with other obligations of the main target public. During the Seminars, participants acquire basic knowledge regarding the EU, its history, institutions and policies, and the influence of the EU on their daily life through the presentations of the interdisciplinary team of instructors, but also through the ensuing discussions. This will result in the participants overcoming the bias against the EU that is presently widespread in Turkey, and also raise their awareness of the rights and obligations they have already gained (and may gain in future) personally and professionally, due to the effect of the EU on Turkey. It will also enhance their ability to make correct observations and sound political choices in future.
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