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Intercultural competences - training course
Start date: Oct 30, 2016, End date: Oct 29, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Folkevirke wants to participate in the training course “ Intercultural Competences” because the chosen persons from Folkevirke are interested to acquire new skills on the intercultural field. The teachers and staff from Folkevirke want to acquire and update their knowledge about a better understanding of cultures, intercultural learning, intercultural communication and problem solving. We want to learn new methods in order to be better educators in adult, informal education. All participants from Folkevirke are experienced teachers and one is too working as the coordinating person in our organization.All over Denmark Folkevirke are working with people from other cultures. They are migrants or refugees and our goal is to learn them about democracy and to be active participants in the Danish community. Therefore the institution wants to send three members to the course. Folkevirke expects that the outcome of “International Competences” will be a benefit for the organization and bring us in the highest level of education with topics of intercultural understanding. We expects to gain a basic knowledge of the legal concepts and the main regulatory issues related to migration, acquire basic skills to interact with people of different minorities, acquire knowledge of problem solving techniques, acquire a proficient level in conflict management, acquire a proficient level in intercultural trainer competences.At the course we hope to network with participants from other countries. After the course Folkevirke will see to that all our members will get informations and learn more about “Intercultural Competences” through lectures all over Denmark. In our magazine and on the website we will write articles.

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