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Intercultural Calendar For Early Multilingual Learning

INCA- Intercultural Calendar for Early Multilingual Learning aims to develop innovativematerials for teaching languages to pre-primary and primary learners (ages 5 to 7), tomotivate early learners to foreign language learning, and to improve interculturalunderstanding and multilingual comprehension. The project aims to introduce early learnersfrom seven participating countries (EL, FR, ES, UK, DE, EE, CZ) to seven languages (EL,FR, ES, EN, DE, EE, CZ) originating from five different language groups (Greek, Romance,Germanic, Slavic, and Uralic). The project will create an autonomous package of innovativetools for multilingual learning (levels 0-1) and intercultural understanding, and will evaluateand disseminate these tools to kindergartens and primary schools around Europe. Allparticipating countries will contribute with their customs and traditions to the creation of aninteractive intercultural calendar and through this calendar -month by month- young learnerswill be familiarized with the different languages in different cultural environments. Theproject's idea is based on "cooperation of cultures" and intercultural dialogue. The targetgroups (pupils of 5 to 7 years old) will acquire basic skills of listening, responding, speaking,and writing in one or more languages, selected from the seven language versionsdeveloped. In order to meet its objectives, the project will develop the following autonomouspackage of teaching materials:1) A DVD Rom elaborating an interactive intercultural Calendar containing around 60 threedimensionalvideos including representations of customs, traditions, and celebrations from allparticipating countries (EL, FR, ES, EN, DE, EE, CZ). These videos will be used to introduceearly learners to language learning and will promote interaction between education andculture. The project will use modern ICT technology, Multimedia applications, 3D graphicdesign, video animation and audio techniques.2) Printing materials for teachers will also be developed to elaborate the language materialand evaluate the pupils' progress.3) A web site in 7 languages, including a Forum, will promote the project and will disseminateits results around Europe.The INCA products can be used as an autonomous learning method or as a supplementarytool at kindergartens and primary schools on a once a week basis.

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