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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the course of the project our intention is to work on several subjects, aiming to cover all the relevant topics and trends related to the sector. An integrated learning experience that will give students an overview of what is happening now in the wine sector, both in Europe and worldwide.Sustainable Viticulture:Regarding sustainability and wine growing, we intend to develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of sustainable wine growing techniques and how they have developed over the time, analysing ecologically sound and socially supportive models. Practices that are no aggressive, neither with the environment nor with the workers involved in the winemaking process, and make possible to obtain healthier wines and integrate native plant species (vine varieties, groundcovers…) in a viticulture that will last.Authentic expressions of a region's terroir:In an increasingly globalized world, obtaining authentic expressions of terroir as we do in our region, is a competitive advantage and the right market positioning strategy. With this approach, we will prevent as well the use of methods or practices that would alter the expression of the terroir.International CommerceThere is no doubt about the need of searching for new markets abroad. As a wine producer country, we have faced a drastic drop in wine consumption. We need to expand the business, searching for emerging markets and targeting consumers keen to discover the wines. However, in order to succeed we need to know well the markets.Our wine´s production cost could be a barrier if we do not communicate properly the relation between price and origin. It is essential to prepare ourselves, mastering a series of commercial techniques and instruments that will guarantee the success. All changes in the way the European wine sector is understood nowadays imply in-depth changes in viticulture and Enology teaching methods. Professors and teachers must change their point of view, sharing with students new perspectives in tune with the news trends, as well as easing access to knowledge, essential to pursue a career in the trade.The educational project will cover the following topics: 1) Modern approaches to crops implementation, integrated and compatible with the environment in which they will develop.2) Sustainable farming techniques, working towards ecological procedures that respect fauna and are long-lasting.3) Strategies to analyse local vine varieties, for their development and enhancement.4) Development of models based on the concept of minimum intervention, acting as facilitators of normal natural processes, to achieve the maximum expression of terroir.5) Deepening in the conception and design of sustainable winegrowing facilities, with minimum consumption of water and energy, taking advantage of options such as the use of gravity, which also are less aggressive in conservative processes and hence quality.6) deepening knowledge of recycling techniques and appreciation of wine products.7) processing techniques based on respect and minimal interference with the application of natural techniques.8) Respectful with the characteristics of the raw material, enabling processes controlled micro-oxygenation and polymerization with minimal contribution of exogenous substances to the wine upbringings.9) Packaging and packaging approaches, consistent with all this philosophy, without superfluous consumption of raw materials, whose manufacturing processes are generated excess co2.10) Overall training in wines with knowledge of working taking place in various regions, as well as tastes and market trends, and techniques and strategies of international trade, needed to act in a market increasingly global and competitive.
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