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“Interactive teaching - Using educational games and new technology in order to enhance learners' motivation”
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Title of the project:“Interactive teaching - Using educational games and new technology in order to enhance learners' motivation”. Taking into account the character of the school /hospital school/, one should bear in mind that students come here for a three - week period of study, and those who come are of very different backgrounds. Those students need an individual approach, and additional and differentiated activities.Three people are taking part in the project - two school teachers and one teacher of extracurricular activities.The main reason for taking part in the project is to increase proficiency in using technology in the classroom; provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons; familiarize teachers with current Internet trends and how they can be applied in the creation of an e-lesson.The project is directed primarily at teachers and its objective is to give them a solid preparation in the use of the platform and all its features, in order for them to enhance their teaching and add more interactivity to their lessons. It is to increase their awareness and usage of technology in a teaching context, introduce fresh and communicative approaches to using technology in teaching. It provides teachers with resources with which they can augment their e-learning content. It allows teachers to share ideas and cultural differences with other nationalities from the EU. This project has been designed for teachers of different subjects and it aims at equipping them with practical ideas in order to enhance their students' motivation and create a friendly, effective and attractive learning environment. We can state that education has a lot of goals but, in fact, very few people would consider “to be fun” as one of its main goals. What we think is “no pain, no gain.” And this is exactly what we intend to improve taking part in the project. During the course period the participants will develop interactive methods of teaching which can successfully not replace but complement the traditional methods. In this way we will try to feed our students' natural hunger for knowledge by using the, also natural, human affinity of playing games. The training course tries to convince the attendees of the value of the interactive approach blended with (and not against) the traditional one. To do so, we will make use of concrete examples of existing best practices. Objectives:To enable better skills in technology and ICTTo promote interactive teaching methodsTo provide recent insights on motivation, goals and popularity of gamesTo experience the impact of educational gamesTo develop awareness of the positive effects of educational games in increasing students' motivationTo build a broad, reliable and relevant database.To improve the abilities to work collaboratively in transnational groups.To improve communication skillsTo experience the cultural heritage of Malta and Norway with their bilingual linguistic environmentsTo further develop participants' own language skills As a result of attending this project, the participants will become more creative in their teaching and they will be able to design materials that are motivating and attractive by using educational games. At the same time they will gain more confidence as users of English. A pre-course questionnaire, which will enable trainers to learn about the participants teaching background Classes will be held interactively in properly equipped environment, with informative sessions, workshops, and transnational work groups, brainstorming and debates. It will focus on the potential games have to support learning. Participants are expected to play an active role within the training period, experiencing for themselves the educational games and contributing with their own proposals.Classes will be taught in a very practical way based on the “learning by doing” principle which is expected to stimulate attendees to both make use of the newly acquired information and enjoy taking part in course activities.Participants are asked to reflect on the tools and activities, their approach to teaching today's students and on adaptation of the use of the tools to their teaching/learning situations and contexts.During the last part of the course participants will be asked to propose and develop their own activities based on the information they gathered within the course time.An evaluation questionnaire will be given to the participants so as to gather participants' opinions about the training and its contents, logistic organisation, instructors, materials provided and asses to which extent the course managed to improve participants' competences in the field of interactive and innovative teaching.They will be invited to join the Teacher Training Facebook community, which allows networking and contact with the trainers and fellow colleagues, and with participants from other courses.

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