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Integration of the Quality Assurance System Eco-Qualify into EQF and ECVET

The aim of the partnership was to analyze how to integrate the outcomes of the quality assurance system ECO-QUALIFY into the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), the National Qualification System (NQS) of the involved partner countries and the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET).ECO-QUALIFY is a comprehensive European Quality Assurance System for further education in organic food retail. It offers a basis for meaningful assessment and certification systems and contributes to the alignment of different training and evaluation systems in the field. Important elements of ECO-Qualify are qualification standards focusing on the content of educational offers. These qualification standards define both the operational and the management level of a company with regard to the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies in the areas "products", "operating" and "marketing". The partnership elaborated three results for the integration of these qualification standards into EQF. 1. the FIRST PRODUCT is a comparison table between Eco-Qualify and the EQF. 2. The SECOND PRODUCT is a survey of the development of the NQF systems in the partner countries and first approaches for integrating ECO-QUALIFY qualifications into the NQFs. 3. The THIRD PRODUCT is an outline of a methodology on EQVET units and credits attribution showing how ECVET credit points could be attributed, within the framework of Eco-Qualify qualifications into the ECVET.
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7 Partners Participants