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Integration of InnoVativE MeThodologies for ELectrical Measurements

The project “Integration of innovative Methodologies for Electrical Measurements” intends the implementation of innovative didactic strategies used in the field of electrical measurements, through which we could develop competencies, values and attitudes which will help the students involved in the electric and electronic fields adapt to the requests of the labour market and to the dynamics of the technological evolution.The project has as main objective raising the quality of the professional formation process in the electric and electronic fields by ensuring the access to innovative learning methods and professional formation and investing in abilities connected to the use of information and communication techniques.We wish to develop superior competences and abilities in the field of electrical measurements at our students, but also key competencies, such as working with the computer and knowledge of foreign languages (mainly English), competencies which should be recognised on the European labour market and which should determine the raise of the mobility of the work force in Europe. We also want to encourage the sharing of ideas, methods and resources between the persons involved in the forming of specialists in the field of electric measurements.We propose to realise an exchange of innovative and creative applications through demonstrative lessons with practical-applicative character, workshops to use the software specific to electrical measurements, exchange of didactic materials, E-lessons, study visits, symposiums.The project proposes an opening to innovation, creativity and diversity to the participants, representing a formal but also a non formal framework for the education of the European citizens today.

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