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Integration in Ausbildung, Arbeit und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe im Europäischen Kontext Integration into vocational training, employment und social partaking in European context
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the project „Integration into vocational training, employment und social partaking in European context - INVOLT!” business-oriented educational institutions from Germany, Czech Republic, Romania, Austria and Latvia as well as a German commercial enterprise take up problems of the European Union having their concrete consequences of employment market and social policy in the regions of partner countries and in further EU countries: More than six millions of young people in EU are having deficits in basic education (European Commission) and about two millions jobs are currently vacant in EU (EU Competence Panorama) in which a great deal is allotted to less skilled qualified work. The still high number of the group with lack of skills suggests that the previous forms of offer don’t approach to every potential participant. This implies that approach, structures and models have to be conformed or modified to support the integration. It necessitates upgrading existing offers of basic education, but also developing alternative models, proving and fixing them to establish a better connection to the working and life-world for the risk group and to come closer to the European-2020-educational objectives. Against the painted background the project INVOLT is themed “Giving young adults with lack of skills in Europe a second chance get to learning by work”. Within the strategic partnership there will be enhanced an “Educational 3-step-model for activity-related basic education”, proved in the European regions, conformed and anchored. This model involves two interpenetrating methodic approaches. 1. Catch-up basic education by workplace- and activity-related as well as motivational learning. In the fore is the learning of activity-related skills of basic education (Skills for job). 2. Personality development by workplace- and activity-related as well as motivational learning. At the same time activity-related acquirement of basic education skills is aimed at behavior modification of the risk group. There will be learnt and enhanced important characteristics of behavior and moral concepts for living in a global society. Workplace- and activity-related as well as motivational learning is application-oriented learning und a particular effective, motivating and lasting learning form. The additional benefit exists in this approach. Up to now such a model isn’t set in the European countries, although it would be demonstrable meaningful and the needs are in existence by the job market and the socio-political development in the regions. In the 3-step-model there is integrated a set of methods with target group-specific instruments in EN, D, RO, CZ, LV. It is with regards to content and didactic innovative and even-handedly instructive for policy makers, public authorities, instructional designers as well as for learners and instructors in catch-up education. The model is directly addressed to educating qualified persons in educational institutions and enterprises as well as youth and social workers who work with young grownups. Thereby additional learning offers will be created for grownups in the age between 16 and 27 years in the European regions allowing individual, motivational and workplace- and activity-related learning. Germany and all involved partner countries will benefit in equal measure from enhancing and adaptation of the model with influence of all resources, experiences and ideas in course of the project. Diversity and permanent adaptation of the project results to regional conditions is guaranteed by complementing each other experiences and skills of the operational and strategic partners as well as their anchorage in the region. This “Service Learning” is the basic method of the project implementation. The Consortium enables – through the particular business and competence fields – to find access to people with deficits concerning basic education who will actively involved in project work. The project effect and the additional benefit are reflected a) on personal level by improvement of the individual chances at employment market and the social partaking as well as motivation for more personal achievement by acceptance of basic skills. b) On organizational level by quality improvement of the pedagogic work in basic education in European educational institutions and enterprises. c) On regional/national/European level by consolidation of the individual chances of risk groups at employment market, by decrease of the divide between education and working world and the improvement of participation of up to now underrepresented groups of persons in further education.
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5 Partners Participants