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Integration, Enrichment & Enterprise
Start date: Dec 31, 2016, End date: Dec 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Derby College's Erasmus project for the Learning Mobility of Individuals aims to produce high quality outcomes for participants, encourage new approaches to teaching and learning, reinforce internationalisation, capacity building and influence and inform future strategies. Building on our previous Leonado da Vinci Lifelong Learning mobility projects and Erasmus programmes, this project aims to develop participants as international professionals through specialised placement programmes in Denmark Estonia, Finland, Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. This project will incorporate a range of vocational areas from Derby College's vast array of subject areas and acts as a positive promotion of the opportunities of vocational learning by encouraging participants to develop and acquire new skills and explore international work, training and enterprise opportunities. 120 learners and staff from Derby College will visit Denmark Estonia, Finland, Germany and Sweden, countries which they may not have had the opportunity to visit if not for this project.Typically, level 2 & 3 learners do not consider the opportunities to work or train abroad, especially Eastern and Northern Europe, or opportunities for self employment. This project will encourage participants to consider different progression opportunities by offering challenging and exciting, but safe work and training placement opportunities to a learner cohort which is normally reticent. Further barriers to workforce mobility will be removed by linguistic and cultural preparation and the acquisition of specific industry terminology during the placement period abroad.The project will provide enrichment for the employability unit of the participants' core learning aim and is a pedagogically sound vehicle for learning. This is supported by specialist work placement opportunities that will provide a rich source of information, skills development and real work experiences. These experiences will enable learners to explore the different approaches to employment commerce and entrepreneurship in each country. This fits with overall strategy of active learning and development of employability and enterprise skills that is strongly embedded in the college's curriculum. The overarching unit fits well with the intention to promote enterprise and skilled employment through development of vocational skills and work and training placements. This adds value to the participants vocational subject expertise and links this skill development to further opportunities for them by developing their enterprise skills. The opportunities to work aboard will further broaden learners horizons and instill new attitudes based on real work experiences. The project seeks to develop expertise in the specialist area and complement the particpants' knowledge with more technical and practical training. One example is work shadowing in spas which is available during the Estonia visit. It is believed that the acquirement of these skills, not yet available to our UK learners, will greatly increase the participating learners’ chance of finding a job and being successful at work as these can be used immediately after the end of international placement, either in an employed or self-employed role.The participating staff will have an opportunity to tour the partner institution, to include observations of lessons taking place, to shadow an advance practitioner of partner institution, observe a range of teaching and learning activities, coaching and feedback sessions and team teach, if desired. The outcomes of the project are disseminated and used to facilitate the adoption of any best practices that are identified as a result of the project activities. Participation in this project results in the College adopting a new technique or assessment practice, or questioning strategy as observed as part of the European visit, and putting it into practice. A specific Derby College Moodle page will be set-up as part of this project. This will enable communication with participants and staff pre and post visit, thus encouraging future collaboration and to sustain future curriculum partnerships. The project will be promoted through Derby College’s website, Facebook, Twitter, via local and regional media and word of mouth by the learners and staff.

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7 Partners Participants