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Integrated Land Use Planning and River Basin Management (ILUP)
Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The risk potential in river basins has increased strongly due to the enormous use pressure. In view of the demographic concentration in river basins and potential climate changes, safety in valleys is only possible if protective water management and other disciplines cooperate. In selected river basins, exemplary new methods are being tested, strategies developed and pilot projects implemented. Due to space limitations, infrastructure planning, land use and the protection of resources require an integrated approach, and multifunctional strategies must be developed. A solution for problems of foothill and hill countries regarding integrated management of water resources, risk and landscape management can be solved sustainably only in an interdisciplinary way . ILUP pursues the basic concept of a holistic, network-oriented landscape assessment from the problem solving approach to the implementation of measures. Achievements: Based on an intensive exchange of experiences among the partners, the analysis and collation of the necessary information have been launched in the pilot regions. The first results are harmonised survey concepts and analogue and digital data sets from the different fields. As regards the preparation of concepts for the model rivers, an initial master plan for the integration of water management into the regional development is now under discussion. Sectoral valuation models for interpretation of data (land valuation model, forestry, risk management, agriculture, etc.) were designed. An interim report on the examination of the impact of changes in land use and land cover on natural hazard potentials was presented. As regards the networking concept for river basin management, an agreement on common proceedings with other fields was reached with the draft of a common management plan. Several contributions to the implementation of co-ordinated pilot measures via the individual sectors have been effected.
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  • 46.5%   3 282 452,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

12 Partners Participants