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Integrarea invatarii nonformale in educatia adultilor - INFOED
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vaslui Teachers’ House pays special attention to the needs of initial training and lifelong leaning for all teachers, promoting the addition of the experience gained at European level to the experience gained at national level. Romanian education aligned to European standards is accomplished by optimizing and prioritizing trainees’ options in all lifelong learning aspects. In the field of professional lifelong learning training can be noticed the need of current offers flexibility, focused on adult education and skills development through formal and non-formal education. In the training offer of Vaslui Teachers’ House there isn’t a training course for teachers that work with adults, which is why this target group needs can be covered only by facilitating its access to training abroad. In this context, Vaslui Teachers’ House will manage a system for teachers’ professionalization in adult education field by coordinating a consortium that includes 4 institutions: M. Guguianu Technical College, Zorleni-from rural area, Petru Rares Technological Highschool, Al.I.Cuza Technical College, Stroe S. Belloescu Secondary School. Analyzing the needs of these 4 institutions we have identified the necessity of a training course to ensure further education for teachers who work with adults in the context of reduced frequency education, improving and adapting teaching methods, using non-formal learning in adult education.The project “Non-formal learning integration in adult education-INFOED” aims the skills improvement of 27 teachers from the members of the consortium in the European context, during 16 months, improving their abilities to work with adults in the context of reduced frequency education and the introduction of non-formal learning for teaching process optimization. Participating teachers will attend the course “Applying non-formal education in schools and adult education organizations” provided by the Institute for Training, Employability and Mobile learning (IFOM) in Bologna, Italy, receiving a training certificate and Europass Mobility that contains the skills acquired during the course.The project objectives aim to improving the skills of 27 teachers who work with young people and adults in the context of reduced frequency education and the development of the teachers’ ability to integrate non-formal activities for improving the key competencies specific to adult education. The project is also supporting the transfer of skills acquired at international level and the exchange of good practices in terms of innovative learning activities in the context of reduced frequency education. The 27 teachers from the 4 institutions, members of the consortium, that will attend the training course from Bologna, Italy, work with adults in the context of reduced frequency education, they are from different curricular areas, aged 20-55 years, 10% of them are beginners, the rest having definitive, II or I teaching degree, they have at least B2 level in English before the mobility, men and women with no discrimination. The project activities will be coordinated by a team consisting of experienced trainers from Vaslui Teachers’ House and will last for 16 months, including: participants’ selection, general preparation (training session pedagogy), linguistic and cultural preparation, the participation at the training course (27 mobilities), monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of results. After the project is finished we will ensure its sustainability through future collaborations between teachers from the network created at national and European level, a group of mentors from the participating teachers at the training course will be established for helping teachers from the wider educational community. The project will lead to the fulfillment of the strategic targets of all 4 institutions from the consortium; will raise the quality of the educational process by achieving new methods that will lead to improving adult learners skills for better insertion on national or European labor market. The project is relevant at regional and national level because it covers the training need for teachers working with adults in the context of reduced frequency education and aims to develop the transfer of formed competencies. In the international context, the project supports the exchange of good practices in terms of non-formal learning activities in adult education and provides the opportunity to develop professional networks among teachers at European level.
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