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Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background For the first time, a specific programme of conservation measures for diverse core populations of the Bonelli’s eagle (Hieraætus fasciatus or Aquila fasciata) has been developed. The programme considers the north-western Mediterranean ‘metapopulation’ in Spain and the south of France as one and studies the relationships between the different populations. Spain is home to more than 65% of the European population, and for this reason the consolidation of the species here will impact greatly on its maintenance at European level. Objectives The present LIFE BONELLI project aims to bring about the recovery of the Spanish population of Bonelli’s eagle, which is listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. It will carry out a range protection measures at European, national and regional level. The project will focus on the implementation of the recovery programme developed for the Iberian Peninsula and Baleares. It will carry out actions to enhance populations in Madrid, Alava and Navarra, and to facilitate a reintroduction in Mallorca. The project will be supported by local teams that will help to exchange individuals and share experiences, including on recovery opportunities. To improve such connections, a balanced consortium has been established, consisting of the main species recovery stakeholders. Public administrations from the four regions (Navarra, Baleares, Álava and Madrid), will work together with the two international breeding centres for Bonelli’s eagle (GREFA & LPO). The consortium also includes Andalucía, one of the main reserves for the species at a European level. Expected results: Re-introduction of a minimum of two chicks per year of Bonelli’ Eagle in selected areas in Navarra, Alava and Madrid, and four birds per year in Mallorca; Selection of sites for the installation of hatching platforms and the carrying out of measures to improve populations of the target species’ prey; Establishment of a captive breeding methodology for the species; Feasibility study carried out on the state of the Andalusian population; Dispersion and movement model established for populations and individuals; Stock of specimens in captivity, built up in order to guide future conservation efforts; Agreements signed with different entities and associations involved in the project; Local pasture plans covering at least 800 hectares of managed land (Mediterranean scrub over at least 150 hectares); Two to four pigeon refuges and 9-12 refuges for rabbits; Habitat improvement over 20 Ha by seeding with grasses and legumes; Adaption of 100 electricity pylons every year in reintroduction and dispersal areas.The long-term expected outcome is an increase in the spawning population of Bonelli's eagle in the project areas.

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