Search for European Projects

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We apply for the Erasmus project as a part of our organizations ambitions to internationalize our work. As a part of that internationalization we wish to do a job-shadowing project within the Erasmus mobility program. Our idea is to send three teachers on job-shadowing trips to Amsterdam, London and Berlin. Each teacher will be away for one week during the autumn 2014 or spring 2015. The partners in this project will be schools or organizations that are in working in the field of second language learning. Interviews with teachers and students and classroom observations are examples of methods that our teacher can use during their job-shadowing. These methods should enable insights in the host schools pedagogical culture. When the teachers return to Sweden they will compare their experiences and evaluate how we can implement them in to our own organization. We strive to gain new perspectives on second language learning amongst adults and to get new ideas on how to act in a multi-cultural work environment. An important part of the project is the evaluation, and it will be done through a questionnaire for the project partners. The teachers that are participating from our school will also evaluate their work within the project through discussions. The results of the project are supposed to contribute to our schools newly started international work, which is formulated in our policy document for international collaboration. This project will also strengthen our European identity through the contact with other European language schools. Exchange of knowledge and experiences over boarders within EU can help us develop our region and local community.
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