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Inserting young people with disabilities into the job market with the help of after lessons activities
Start date: Feb 28, 2016, End date: Nov 27, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is between a Polish Special Care Educational Facility for Disabled Children - a boarding school for physically and mentally handicapped children at the age of 6 to 23 from all over Poland offering education, rehabilitation and therapy and Juan XXIII Foundation from Spain working as a Day Center, Occupational Center, Employment Formation Center and the Employment Center for Special Needs and their main goal is labour insertion into ordinary job market aimed at people with intellectual disabilities or mental illness, especially youth with disabilities.The EU-wide employment rate of the disabled is approximately 20 percentage points lower than the rate of the non-disabled. There is a very significant association between educational achievement and success in employment. The disadvantage for disabled people in education and lifelong learning is a matter of major concern, to which attention should be directed as a priority. Early intervention and prevention for disabled young people is extremely important (Report prepared for the Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED)). To overcome this problem new measures which go beyond a formal education must be taken.The primary objective of the project "Inserting young people with disabilities into the job market with the help of after lessons activities” is to give organizations working in the same field the opportunity to learn about the practices of another organization in a different country: 5 teachers from Spain will spend 7 intensive days in Poland shadowing at the host organization and in several other centers working with the disabled youth, through the support of 5 Poland workers, in order to create a network of professional exchanges. Participants taking part in the mobility will become more experienced in the field of preparing young people for job-seeking through the activities not implemented by formal education.The two partner organizations have similar tasks and target groups but apply different methods to implement their youth work. The project will create an opportunity to compare the methods and outcomes as well as find some new strategies of in/ non-formal education used for those with lower opportunities for their insertion on the job market.The programme of activities includes job- shadowing in the hosting organization (a few departments) and visits to the centers working with the disabled youth ,an introduction to the national legislation for youth and the disabled matters, and participation in the constant round table and panel discussions with professionals.As a result we want to expand the scope of activities carried by both organizations to those connected with non/ informal educationin discovering the new ways of helping the disabled youth in recognition of their competences. Directly involved participants will have an opportunity to use a foreign language as a real tool of communication worth developing and using a Youthpass will help them to recognize their newly acquired competences. An effective network is hoped to be created between the partners and the participants as well as the plans for future projects involving youth.
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1 Partners Participants