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Inovatívne v grafike
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A project "Innovative in graphics" reacts on actual requirements and necessities of employment market with its aims in Slovakia, The Czech Republic, and also in European Union. It interlocks at good traditions of the school in an exchange of experience among pedagogues in education of vocational subjects in cooperation with partner schools in the realization of previous projects. A posed project of vocational interships connects specifically to the cooperation of two partner schools : The Secondary Arts School of Ladislav Bielik, Levice, The Slovak Republic and The Secondary school Náhorní , Prague 8, The Czech Republic. Both schools join similar educational departments especially promotional graphic and graphic design. Relative exchange of experience, knowledge, methods, “best practice” brings consistent beneficiation to the both schools. The aim of the project is to expand possibilities of cooperation of schools, their pedagogues and bring concrete results. Planned two weeks´ interships of vocational pedagogues in the school year 2014/2015 are specialized in the methodology of vocational subjects, the creation and arrangement of the school educational programmes, the implementation of ICT to the vocational art subjects and the comprehension of entrance of the schools to cooperation with real companies and to promotion. The secondary aim is the preparation of international exhibition of students´ works which would exceed the frame of schools and it would be the beneficiation of cultural life of expanded public. In the frame of realization of the project we plan to provide two weeks ´ interships in a partner school in The Czech Republic in the school year 2014/2015. In every intership there is planned an attendance of three vocational teachers, globally six pedagogical workers. All members of interships have experience with the creation of school educational programme, educational plans and implementation of IKT in teaching of vocational subjects of educational department promotional graphic. The intership is going to take place accorging to an arranged programme in advance. The main work-related methods are going to be observation, controlled dialogue, the study of educational programmes, the study of school educational programmes, discussion and workshop. Within the frame of interships there are also realized the informal meetings of principal workers to cavity of relationships among schools in the interest of further cooperation. In an introductory stage of the project there are implemented an exchange of educational materials, questionnaires, operating letters for vocational graphic subjects. In another stage there are implemented single interships according to planned program, workshops, international exhibition of students´works. In period after interships there are followed the processing of emergences- methodology of vocational art subjects with the externalization on the new requests of computer graphic. In the final stage of the project there is implemented the evaluation of interships with the aim to apply the obtained knowledge in the teaching of vocational subjects of educational program in promotional graphic and enhancement of the project. To familiarize the expanded public with the procedure and conclusions of the project there are used these emergences: closing announcements of members in interships, methods, web presentation at the school pages, articles in regional and vocational periods, discussion with students about school system and vocational education in The Czech Republic, international exhibition of students´works in a department of graphic. From the realization of the project and interships of teachers of vocational graphic subjects, the school expects the enhancement of methodology in education of vocational subjects which lead to narrower interconnection of the school with praxis, complement of the school educational programmes and the cavity of cooperation of both schools. The interanational exhibition creates the space for the promotion of both school, arts, graphic and especially in the student´s creation behind the border of their country.

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