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INOVATE - Increasing Visibility, Accessibility and Transferability in Entrepreneurial Training

INOVATE aims to attract more EU citizens to entrepreneurial training and to increase the mobility of would-be entrepreneurs through the creation of a European Certificate in Entrepreneurship (ECE), similar to ECDL or the European CV, but in relation to business start-up training. On the basis of an initial, transnational analysis of current arrangements for business start-up training, a common competency framework will be created that will establish criteria for equivalent qualification across the partner countries. A new, 40-hour, e-learning business start-up training course will be designed and tested with a range of stakeholders and finalised in all partner languages (DA, EN, ES, HU & RO). As a result, it will be possible to award the ECE either to students completing the on-line course or to those following local or national business start-up courses that meet the competency framework criteria. A particular innovation for this project is that of an electronic passport, i.e. a record of current course credits, which will facilitate student mobility between participating countries. Fortified by a thorough quality assurance process, INOVATE will seek accreditation of the ECE at national level and will encourage recognition by key agencies and policy committees at EU level. National interest groups, including potential users, training providers and other key stakeholders will contribute to project development and will help to promote the ECE and on-line course via brochures and articles. A final international conference, accompanied by a mass marketing campaign, will further launch the new ECE, accreditation process and on-line training.

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