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Inovar para construir Pontes
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"INNOVATING TO BUILD BRIDGES" is a multidisciplinary project which involves both teachers and students from the different cluster schools, having as common goal the change and refreshment which goes through the domain and acquisition of competences as to improve the quality of the teaching learning process in our institution. In medium and long term, it has the aim of combating failure in education and reducing earlier school leaving, betting on a different pedagogy that gives privilege to critical literacy and to the students' integral formation.The experience concerning Comenius, Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci projects which dates from about 15 years, by adding the experience we are having with a KA2 project, allows us to value our participation in projects, partnerships and international courses as an asset for the the development of personal and organizational competences.Concerning these European projects we have been working such a wide range of issues that go from youth challenges, arts, ecology, the environment, entrepreneurship and leadership to the one we are now working on that deals with Math in the different curricular study areas aiming to improve the students' results and as the interest for this subject.The exchange of experiences broadens the linguistic,cultural, European citizenship and professional competences of all the participants, thus contributing to a new look of the problems in order to put local problems into perspective.Our goal is to implement a culture of commitment with the quality of the services offered in Agrupamento de Escolas Anselmo de Andrade. We spotted the demands that need to be improved at the following levels:- leadership and top and intermediate management- within classroom context- promoting the use of the means of technology and communication- improvement in the fields of foreign languages and didacticIn this sense this project has two sides:- implementing organizational strategies of the institution itself (organizational context)This side intends to act in the management of the organization, by promoting a consensual work among the different areas of knowledge and the structures of the cluster schools both in an horizontal and vertical perspective. The changing in the organizational context assumes itself as the essential condition to renovate the school's autonomy.-professional training of the school staff (teachers)This last dimension has as goal to enable the teachers with innovative digital and pedagogical competences which allows the improvement of the teaching learning process. The selected training is focused on updating the teachers' knowledge enabling them to get familiar with the new educational methodologies and technologies driving to pedagogical innovation.Thus the project wants to have teachers engaging in individual mobilities to the following courses: EXETER ( IPC PIC NUMBER - IS 948822088) -Creative Methodology for Teachers -Content and Language Integrated Learning for Secondary Teachers (CLIL)LIONDON -Encouraging Creative Thinking (PIC: 949364512)-Innovative Approaches to Teaching (PIC: 949364512)-Creative Use of Tablets in Education PRAGUE (PIC: 949364512)-Human Resource Management in Education InstitutionsThe courses to be attended will be in the fields of Methodology and Language Development; Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Leadership and Human Resource Management.Our objective is to be able to give our teachers deeper competences which can contribute to design and implement innovative strategies to be used in the classroom as to decrease unsuccessful learning and the increase of students' motivation to engage on the learning activities.To develop the students' literacy and critical literacy in improving their performance with the information and communication technologies.To raise the students' contact with the European culture throughout multicultural projects in a way they can be able to develop a kind of education as wide as a European dimension.
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