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Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky na střední odborné škole
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project “Innovation and Improvement of Teaching at Secondary Vocational School” resulted from the need of coping with new trends of teaching and the effort to compare our school with schools abroad to reach better competitiveness in education. The aim of project was to get acquainted with new teaching methods in given subject, to obtain new professional competences, to strengthen language competences, to apply new methodological procedures supported by information and communication technology and at the same time to compare different educational systems with our educational system participating in foreign courses. Altogether 9 teachers of our school, who looked for and applied new methods and approaches in teaching their subjects, took part in the project. Therefrom 3 teachers of science (Mathematics, Physics, Biology) and 6 teachers of foreign languages (English, German and Russian). Teachers chose 3 spheres of courses – the courses aimed at new methods and use of ICT in language teaching, courses applying CLIL and ICT in teaching science and study visits (Spain and Iceland). Courses dedicated to foreign language teaching solved especially: - evaluation of foreign language lessons - new strategies in teaching foreign language - professional terminology in teaching foreign languages - activity methods - new Internet resources - concrete use of ICT in teaching (Moodle, GoogleApps) - widening of life and institutions sphere - improvement of teachers' language competences Courses related to science subjects focused on: - activity methods in teaching - CLIL method - use of tablets in teaching Mathematics and Science - improvement of teachers' language competences Study visits of Spain and Iceland followed: - educational institutions at different stages - cultural heritage - school management principles - inclusion Improvement of particular subjects teaching, new inspiration and suggestions, improvement of special and key competences, use of modern methods of teaching, enforcement of team work and establishment of new professional contacts were the result and impact of the project. All that was used not only in subjects teaching but also in school publicity. It also enhanced the interest of primary school pupils in studying at our school. The project and its results were introduced to all our teachers during our school staff meetings, within separate subject departments and during the activity "Afternoon in the European Union" held at our school. That all also supported big interest of other teachers in similar project and it found expression in preparation of further stage of the project and filing the application for the year 2016.

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