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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participants of the project were 12 teachers of comprehensive, vocational and foreign languages subjects. The project was aimed at developing vocational, liguistic and computer skills of the techers, which as a result, led to higher achievements at work and better self-assessment. The main aims of the training were gaining such qualifications as: • Acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills concerning interactive board and new teaching environment- Internet platform e-learning • Getting to know new computer programs used in innovative ways of teaching • Improving English language and learning Italian language To sum up, major target was to uprating professional competences of teaching staff regarding the usage of innovative techniques of learning and teaching. What is more, improving the quality of school work. During the training, the participants were acquainted with Internet platform e-learning and acquired certain skills involving using interactive board. The linking of traditional ways of teaching with modern ones will be effective and attractive for students and participators of the trainings. Moreover, it will be a modern tool in accomplishment of syllabuses. The participants had an opportunity to see the process of Italian schooling, they became aware of the structure and work organization of educational institutions. At the same time, they improved their language skills, not only English, but also Italian. These issues enable to create and extend pedagogical and educational innovations. After finishing the project, it wil be extremely important to improve the effectieness of education of the teachers who took part in the training by implementig development school programmes. The programmes which are related to comprehensive, vocational and foreign languages schooling. In addition, it is essential to strenghten the partnership of schools and educational institutions. After returning from Italy, various measures will be taken in order to make the education more attractive not only for present student, but also those in the future, who will improve skills on courses and professional trainings. The participation in the training allowed teachers to check their skills in other educational system, culture and society in the presence of development of sense of European identity at the same time. The particiaptors had an opportunity to learn something more about the Italian culture, language and customs. In addition, they could break the stereotypres concerning Poland and Italy. The observation of foreign educational institutions and teachers was a great experience for everyone. The training was during lectures, presentations and practical exercises. When the training finished, the teachers shared their experiences with their colleagues and local society which resulted in raising not only their personal and vocational prestige, but also their school on the local educational market. Due to the realisation of the training abroad, the school will enhance the quality of education and consequently, it will be perceived as an institution which educate comprehensively. What is more, it will provide graduates to have a good start in their adulthood. As it has been presented, the advantages of the training will be long-standing and it will have European dimension through international cooperation of educational institutions of countries taking part in the project.
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