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Innowacyjne metody nauczania oparte na metodzie rozwiązywania problemów
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to develop, disseminate and provide the sustainability of the use of innovative tools (60 lesson plans using the WebQuest method) in teaching youth deaf.These tools will allow for the activation of youth deaf, will increase the efficiency and attractiveness of teaching, will improve students “self-reliance”, will provide skills to use modern information and communication technologies (ICT) and will extend the time of concentration.By using modern technology during the lessons, in addition to the creative-, exercises-, control- and education- functions, meets the criteria of the so-called polisensory teaching - uses larger amounts of sensory or learning styles, which is particularly important in the education of the handicapped people.WQ method based on working with the personal computer, let leave the passive attitude among the students, promote thoughtful and constructive use of the Internet resources. It shows that the virtual network can be a tool of work, not just entertainment. Selected by the coach source material allow the students to focus on critical analysis and use of information.WQ will be implemented as a group exercise in which each group performs a different part of the project. The division into groups helps in motivating, this is related to the performance of a specific role which stimulates students' interest in the issue. From the technical part, WQ is the equivalent of instruction for the student, developed by an expert before working on the project method and takes the form of HTML document and is published online.The target groups are:1) Teachers of young deaf people, including surdopedagogues, educators and instructors from participating countries: Poland, Slovakia and Hungary2) Deaf / hard of hearing young people on ISCED level 2 from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.3) Dissemination phase- management bodies providing special education, authorities, policy makers, other educators and teachers, deaf and hard of hearing students at each education level.The project responds to the educational needs of deaf students and teachers by adapting effective and proven method the WebQuest to the expectations deaf. Moreover, it helps to eliminate communication and mental barriers.The essence of innovation in the transnational cooperation is the combination of experience and knowledge from 3 countries (European added value) to create a universal design, which will be more efficient and effective, and can be disseminated on a wider scale.The partnership consists of: Fundaton providing the technologies and innovative solutions, coordinate the implementation, and -three special schools with the great experience and background in the deaf education from Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. This partnership for several years was successfully working in the area indicated in the application form, is seriously able to establish the WQ product. Thanks the supervision of the Inteliectual Work Team will be offered development, providing good value and quality management. Next steps will be: testing, effectiveness control, evaluate to the final version and finally dissemination. Thanks to such form of the Partnership will be saved project live in both the product and influence.Dissemination phase provides the transfer of developed innovations to the participantes of the project from Poland, Hungary and Slovakia: teachers/educators working in schools offering education for the deaf, representatives of training institutions, societies, associations, Polish, Hungarian and Slovak Association of the Deaf, acting repesenting an interest of the deaf community. This transfer will be carried out in the so-called model “technological push”. It involves the development of innovation then customisation and finally practical application by leading an intensive promotional activities, marketing and building the positive image of innovation. The objective associated to dissemination strategy is to inform the public opinion about the activities carried out during the project. Popularization of innovation is also associated to the formation of a positive image of the Deaf community as language and culture minority.Potential users will be informed about the advantages of developed products, the benefits generated by their use and advantages advantage in relation to existing teaching methods. All the message will be supported by PR activities forwarded online and traditional.Additionally will be used so-called “whispered advertising” especially effective within the deaf community. Information to the media will be transferred by the press articles, notes and brifings informing about the results and progress in the project. The interest by the media these topics will distribute information to the general public. In this action will be involved regional and national media incl. deaf community newspapers and Internet portals.

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