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Innowacje technologiczne w nauczniu języka angielskiego
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ZPO in the village of W?glówka is attended by around 200 students every year. In order to improve the quality of teaching, our staff continuously enhances its teaching skills and the pupils often take part in various competitions and projects. For the year 2014/15 we have planned for our school project called "Technological innovations in teaching English". The aim of this project is to improve the qualifications of teachers in terms of foreign language teaching methodology; verify and expand their workshop and knowledge of new techniques and forms of teaching, and- above all-improve the skills related to the use of ICT in the work with teenagers. Our participation in the project also aims at putting the first steps through fundraising and administration of the Erasmus + for the years 2014 -20, which may in advance result in applying for funds in other programs offered by the European Union. For this purpose, an English teacher employed at our facility will take part in a week cross-border mobility by participating in training called "Embracing new Literacies for Innovative 21 Century Teaching and learning";. This course is organized by the Digipro Computer Consultants LTD in Cyprus, which is a training center with a long experience in conducting training courses for adults. Digital Computers offers a rich programme of the methodology and innovations in teaching a foreign language, which is in close relation with the guidelines of our project. It is expected that the deputed teacher significantly increases their language skills both in terms of communication in a foreign language and the methodology teaching. We hope that thanks to their mobility a contact with other institutions or schools in the EU, which would like to participate in joint projects such as Schools Partnership (bilateral or multilateral ), will be established in the coming years. The youth in our school will gain a teacher with new ideas and skills, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on their approach to learning English and using the Internet as a tool to gaining knowledge in general. Parents and teachers of our school and schools in the community will be informed about the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ , and those who are involved in the implementation of the project in our school will serve to support and advise others. Interaction and the outcome of the project will be long lasting, because some time must pass before its effects will be traceable (ie better performance of youth in the exams after accomplishing secondary study and in the sixth- grade test in English language after accomplishing primary education). Information about the project, which will be published in the local newspapers and on the website of our school and the municipality, will give European dimension of our facility and will be an example of good practice for others.
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