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Innovative Women Entrepreneurs of the Future
Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Sep 4, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Study on ‘Statistical Data on Women Entrepreneurs in Europe’ by European Comission (September 2014) shows that women entrepreneurs constituted 31% of total entrepreneurs and 26% of all employers in European Union in 2012. Unfortunately, only one third of all entrepreneurs in scientific and technological sectors are women. Decreasing the gender gap in technological sector is possible by engagement of more female scientists/engineers, with abilities to create their own high-tech products, in innovative entrepreneurship.The 2011 EU Modernisation Agenda lists; stimulating the development of entrepreneurial, creative and innovation skills in all disciplines, promoting through more interactive learning environments, strengthening the knowledge-transfer infrastructures and enhancing their capacity to engage in start-ups, as priority areas for higher education institutions.This project aims to embed the transversal skills required to raise the innovative women entrepreneurs of the future into higher education by developing an innovative ‘Transnational Entrepreneurial Internship’ Programme. During this programme students will receive training from experts and acquire hands-on experience by working at high technology transnational start ups.Workshops and conferences on innovative entrepreneurship will be conducted as part of the project. A curriculum titled ‘Basics of Innovative Entrepreneurship’ targeting students from technical fields will be proposed. The knowledge and experiences acquired through this project will be collected in a book titled ‘Experiences of the Innovative Women Entrepreneurs of the Future’ and an e-book titled ‘A Roadmap to Successful Incubator’. All the outcomes of the project will be compiled as e-modules on the project website under the name ‘InnoWomEnt Tools Kit’. The intellectual outputs from the project will offer the tools and encouragement to the students of technical universities, who are potential innovators of the future, to take a step in starting their businesses, free of charge. The project and its outputs will also be advertised by the ‘InnoWomEnt’ videoclip online and on TV to increase the number of audience and the impact on society.Tecnical higher education institutes ( Bursa Technical University, Politecnico di Torino and Politechnika Slaska) are chosen as partners since the project targets female students from technical/engineering disciplines. I3P (incubator) and Technopark Gliwice are involved in the project as the project’s lofty aim is to raise the entrepreneurs of the future. Having KOSGEB as a partner will increase the impact of the project as the organization steers/determines the policies about entrepereneurs and SMEs in Turkey.
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