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Innovative uses of low-temperature geothermal resources in South East Europe   (GeoSEE)
Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is undoubtedly true that growing concerns on environmental issues, desire of energetic independency and increasing process of energy require the development and utilization of clean and renewable energy sources. A significant contribution to these issues can be offered by geothermal resources and geothermal-derived energy. Due to its base-load power, a higher than 90 percent availability, a small footprint as well as low carbon emissions, this type of natural resource and form of energy are expected to contribute significantly to the diversification of the energy portfolio in Europe and the development of local or regional energy strategies. It is also evident that low and moderate temperature (less than 150°C) is by far the most common geothermal resource, as evidenced by the high number of hot springs that surface to the top of the Earth in many locations around the globe and Europe, in a much greater number than is the case with high-temperature sources. Yet, the utilization of low-to-middle temperature geothermal reservoirs for electricity production in Europe or the enhancement of the potential of different RESs has been only very recently investigated and is still far from being fully ascertained. The GeoSEE project intends to address these limitations and challenges to demonstrate that there are innovative approaches that can be pursued to realize in the short term the potential of low-enthalpy geothermal resources to produce electricity and additionally enhance that of already established renewable sources. These approaches will allow the countries within the area of South East Europe (SEE) and beyond to leverage the positive features of water-dominated geothermal sources, such as their low or no environmental impact and continuous operation, whilst contributing to the achievement of the most recent binding energy targets that have been agreed upon by European countries, as specified for instance in the European Energy and Climate Change Policy and its 20-20-20 targets for 2020. The GeoSEE project addresses the above challenges through two major outputs: a Strategic Agenda in the field of low-temperature geothermal energy and a Policy Guide. The former will include recommendations defining the way-ahead in SEE and Europe to ensure that national and European government and economic operators can achieve their objectives in increasing energy and resource efficiency through the deployment of low-temperature geothermal power. The latter will address all current restrictions in national and European legislation that hinder the adoption of innovative and sustainable utilization of low-temperature geothermal resources and suggest legislative solutions to facilitate and streamline permitting procedures and market adoption of low-temperature geothermal energy. The GeoSEE project involves 11 partners from 8 countries and will run for 24 months between October 2012 and September 2014. Achievements: • GeoSEE analysis Aquapendente IT• GeoSEE analysis Battaglia Terme• GeoSEE analysis Gyal HU• GeoSEE analysis HR• GeoSEE analysis Kocani MK• GeoSEE analysis Oradea RO• GeoSEE analysis Palilula RS• GeoSEE Analysis Topolsica SI• GeoSEE analysis Velingrad BG• Geothermal state of play Bulgaria• Geothermal state of play Croatia• Geothermal state of play FYROM• Geothermal state of play Hungary• Geothermal state of play Italy• Geothermal state of play Romania• Geothermal state of play Serbia• Geothermal state of play Slovenia• State of play of geothermal energy in SEE regionFor more information see:

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  • 85%   1 738 781,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants