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Innovative training methodology for CSR topics

The gravity of environmental and social problems (such as climatechange, chemicals, obesity etc.) is commonplace in the EU. It is alsowidely accepted now that companies have to play a (pro)active role inpreventing and solving these problems, they need to adoptenvironmentally and socially responsible (corporate social responsibility,CSR) operating practices. This is all the more important as the EU isaspiring for a world leader role in environmental technologies andservices. ; Companies themselves are more and more aware of thisneed to transform, often they also have CSR or sustainability policies, butdo not have the expertise and/or resources train staff on CSR. However,the adoption and implementation of CSR is not possible without awareand educated employees (also, they will not cooperate until theyunderstand and identify with sustainability issues). ; There are no CSRtrainings available for companies’ employees in a structured form in theEU. Big corporations often have their own training departments but do nothave the Expertise/capacity to develop CSR trainings. SMEs areparticularly in need, as they have even less resources/motivation. ;Company trainings on sustainability topics (for ex. waste management)focuses on cognitive elements and are not suited to respond specialneeds and reach changes in attitude, motivation. ; VET professionalsdealing with CSR issues do not have the appropriate skills and trainingmaterials for effective trainings. Major outputs/results (all in 4 languages:English, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian) 8-10 one day/half day long training“packages” on different topics of CSR/Sustainability; ‘Train the trainer’training and methodology for VET professionals. ; Printed materials andtoolkit to accompany trainings. ; Pilot trainings and train the trainertrainers in 4 countries ; Extensive dissemination and exploitation toensure sustainability of the programme Impact 1.The trainings developedin the project will : provide companies with CSR trainings, using which willdevelop the CSR knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees,motivating them for action on the field; thus contributing to theCSR/sustainability transformation of companies in Europe, 2. allow largercompanies to train their own CSR trainers. The project will reach 3. VETprofessionals at consortium partners (12-18) 4. Company managers (30-40) and employees (200-400) in 4 countries 5. A wide range of corporateand other stakeholders in EU through the awareness-raising,dissemination and exploitation activities.
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