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Innovative tilgang til læring og den international dimension
Start date: Aug 4, 2014, End date: Aug 3, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background for project: Lindehoejskolen have worked with the international dimension in focus since 2008, have not had a specific strategy or best practise. Other focus areas are working with ICT and also how to include and challenge students with different needs. We thought that working with the international dimension could challange us and the students in these focus areas and in order to combine these we need a stragegy for our international work. Participants in the project: 10 teachers - from 3 different departments of the school - the reason for this was to spread the knowledge that the teachers gained in the best way at our school. Project activities: 3 teachers participated in the course "Inclusion in European context" these teachers also participates in the joint network with the towns school administration on how to include students with special needs. 3 teachers participated in the course "how to make your school more international" these teachers are from the 3 different departments at school 2 teachers participated in the course "Tap-Swipe-Pinch" these teachers are from 2 different departments - the teachers are regular teachers who uses ICT in their lessons, but they are not "super users". This choice was because we wanted to get knowledge back to our school about how tablets are a challange to regular teachers and to teachers who are not nessarily super users. 2 teachers participated in the course "Best practise benchmarking" All the teachers have been in a working group - and have gathered all the knowledge, input and information from the different course to work on a strategy for the international dimension that would also give the school a common approch towards challange students with needs - both students with diffeculties and also students how are skilled. The ICT course should also give us input to decide whether to invest in PC - labtops - tablets or all of the above. We have many years expiricencs with PC and labtops, but little expirience with tablets. Expiriences: We found that the course "inclusion in the European context" was very useful for the work we are already doing when it comes to inclusion this course supported the stragety we are alreay working on whan it comes ot inclusion. But also gave the participants a different look at inclusion and that in also has to do with the special skilled students- We need to challange these students. This could be done through our international work and work with tablets. This coming year we will education teachers in using coding and this could also be used in our inclusion project along with our internatioale work. The teachers are now in contact with a school in Sweden, who alos participated in the couse and they are networking about inclusion and sharing this with staff at team meetings, common staff meetings and also with the other schools in town through the joint network. "how to make your school more international" here we drew up a strategy and were in close contact with our headmaster during the week of the course. We presented the strategy to the working group upon returning and made adjustments during the year according to the other courses that we had partictipated in. We decided to focus on 3 grades (12 classes – 4 2nd grade classes, 4 5th grade classes, 4 8th grade classes) in the 3 different departments. We found contacts for all 3 grades and planned that we would make an annual cycle of work together with our partners. This would be our focus point working with the international dimension year 1. At the course we found partners to work with both from Finland, The Neatherlands and also Poland. “Tap-Swipe-Pinch” the 2 teachers at this course were going to be the main coordinating teachers in 2nd grade and 5th grade when it comes to making the annual cycle of work together with our partners school. The work should include working with ICT and also focus on collaborating with partner. This would be a new and innovative approach towards teaching. We have worked with international projects, but not as planned and with an annual cycle of work that was to be repeated year after year. The teachers have shared their knowledge with teachers in their team and at meetings in the departments and at staff meetings. They are helping other teachers wanting to get started working with tablets in their classes. They know what challenges there are and what possibilities when it comes to the normal lessons, but also when working international. They have also brought contacts home to use as partners in collaborative projects and to carry our international strategy. “Best practice benchmarking” at the course teachers were presented to the Finish school system and could compare it to the Danish. The 2 systems were very similar and had expected to get more out of the course. There was a presentation of how to work innovative and using Blooms taxonomy, very inspiring - and meet partner to work with in our international strategy.
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