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Innovative System for Vocational Training of Recycling SMEs in BEP Methodology Application for Introduction of IT

The project will establish an innovative training system and will develop a series of e-learning tools, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of recycling activity amongst SMEs through the application of information and communication technologies (ICT). Currently, SMEs application of ICT in the area of recycling is low and thus the project will train managers and technical staff in the use of ICT. ICT solutions for more effective use of recycling will be introduced through the Best Enterprise Practice (BEP) methodology that introduces new organisational principles and corresponding ICT solutions. Project partners will develop a set of generic e-learning solutions for the web-based training of managers and technical staff in the use of ICT. Traditional classroom-based teaching will precede the use of web-based training to familiarise trainees with new learning methods and ICT tools. Classroom training will be supported by a series of printed materials and a CD-Rom. Trainees will be further offered practical demonstrations of recycling initiatives as additional learning tools. Internet training courses will be developed for adaptation to different SME types and will offer support in the establishment, organisation and execution of staff training. Courses will be piloted with three different groups, namely management & technical staff, trainers & consultants and students. The pilot results will shape the final format of the training courses. Course content will be delivered on CD-Rom and via the project website. Handbooks, addressing training guidelines and the BEP methodology, will accompany the courses and will be made available on CD-Rom, as printed material and via the project website. Dissemination will focus on businesses and organisations work in the area of recycling, with universities and training schools also being targeted.
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3 Partners Participants