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Innovative Peer Learning Assessment System for Evaluation of trainers and Quality VET professional programs

REASONVET teachers are currently unable to judge and assess on the fly professionals trainer`s reproduction, demonstration and performance of learning. During short VET courses addressing the World of Work, instructors can't answer questions like - How successful is/was my teaching? - How well do/did the students learn the subject taught? - How much do/did the students learn of the subject taught?In class communication, interaction and collaboration processes that may enhance effective peer learning processes, where students learn from their peers, are difficult to measure by use of existing ICT technologiesKA3 Done-IT (11-12) project: The brand new Peer Learning Assessment Service (PeLE) system for Smartphones, PAD, PC and Mac gives the teacher a new tool, allowing him/her to either give verification or elaborative feedback to individual students or groups of students immediately after a test. When they still remember the questions in the test, students will learn why the answers are correct or incorrect.Thus, mobile technology provides new evaluation, assessment and testing criteria within education and trainingAIMSProvide instant evaluation in industry oriented short, intense 2-3 days VET professionals courses, by adapting, testing and validating the new online service "PeLe Professional". Extend Kirkpatrick`s learning outcome evaluation model by using modern, easy to use, cheap mobile response technology, to include Assessment for Learning in competence based systemsCONSORTIUMThe consortium has a strong industrial presence with ties to VET providers, mobile learning and mobile response system technologies (HCR) and manufacturing industry (DOM, HiST, CCI, UTH) leading to identification of inadequacies in current training and evaluation systems and standards for effective instructor training delivery. The partnership has complementary expertise and tasks. HiST, HCR, CCI and UTH have cooperated successfully previously. HCR personnel were key development partners in the KA3 ICT mobile technology EduMecca (09-10) and Done-IT projectsOUTCOMEAn innovative, extended Kirkpatrick`s Peer Learning Evaluation Method, for evaluation of trainers and Quality VET professional programs, provides:- reaction evaluation: measure trainers pre-knowledge and how they thought and felt about the training and learning experience- learning evaluation: measure the increase in knowledge or capability before and during the course, in order to provide corrective actions at the end of the course- behavior evaluation: measure the extent of applied learning back on the job (implementation of knowledge)- result evaluation: investigate the effects on the business or environment resulting from the trainee's performanceIMPACTVET organizations start using Assessment for Learning and the extended Kirkpatrick`s learning evaluation model

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