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Innovative Mindsets: Bridging the Skills Shortage of the European Printing Industry
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

InMinds project aims to stimulate the capacity of the printing (publishing) sector human resource towards lifelong learning practices in order to become more competitive, productive and adaptive to the constant developments of the ICT sector affecting it in a dire manner. The skills gap and the demand of knowledge and knowhow on digital printing techniques that were not previously required, are the new challenges of the European printing industry. The project addresses the printing sector’ workers, employers & SMEs, National agencies involved in Vocational Education and Training and Continuous Vocational Education and Training (VET/CVET), Employment services, Policy makers at a local, regional, national and European level, Training providers, Educational institutions and Lifelong Learning Institutes. Aim of the InMinds project is to develop an innovative methodology and training toolkit that will assist printing companies to achieve transformation from traditional operations to new media era. Objectives of the InMind project are: - Create a standard of profile of the printing industries that best changed their operations to new media - Develop a more marketing mindset to support the transition / adaptability that changing operation will demand from people who are confronted with this need (training program) - Create a unique and innovative monitoring ICT system to track people's new learning -after training- in the field and assist them to the shifts they have to implement in order to reach success (Barometer). - Build a knowledge bank with the data gathered from questionnaire / barometer / projects, in order to be able to estimate the degree of probability of the desired changes. - Provide stakeholders and policy makers with input on the skills needed in the modern printing industry and contribute to the creation of standards regarding those skills. - Produce a Replication Guide which will be used by other industries that face similar challenges with the printing industry. InMinds project will establish an innovative methodology on skills development that will offer important advantages and self-awareness to people seeking to shift job positions (soft skills: leadership, open minded and adaptive to the new needs / conditions) and on the other hand training material to close the gap between the required skills of the sector nowadays and the skills already acquired but are becoming obsolete. Moreover, InMinds will offer a useful and practical tool for employers seeking to employ new personnel or even more re-skill the existing human capital. At the end of the project will have: - New training content and methodology. A new training program based on an innovative management concept developed from real life inputs and totally customized (new content – interactive case studies, and new methodology – prototyping and Mood Explosion simulator). - Database and benchmarking. A knowledge bank structure with previous jobs transitions allowing new trainees to determine the success probability of their job mobility. - Online real time feedback through the Barometer that will track individual’s performance / choices on the field after the training, in order to reinforce new habits, refreshing training contents through online real time feedback. - Policy recommendations and contribution to standards of skills needed specifically for the European printing industry of the future. The profile of the core partners of the project are the following. P1: Nosis Ltd is an experienced in managing European projects with a strong reputation in the field of Vocational Training in Greece, offering training to more than 100 companies. P2: Crystal Clear Soft is a strong technological partner, with experience in e-learning applications and mobile apps development. P3: BPIF, a Sector Specific Expert, offering value-added solutions for all areas of a printing organisation including the implementation of HR requirements, with strong influence in policy makers in the UK. P4: DANMAR Computers is providing vocational training in the field of IT and development of e-learning and ICT services. Finally P5: IHD is the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Germany, operating in the Italian and German market, promoting economic relations and cooperation between enterprises of both countries whether in traditional sectors, or technological and innovative value sectors.
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4 Partners Participants