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Innovative inclusion/ integration of young migrants and refugees into the labour market in Europe
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europa is now challenged on its core values and principles for cooperation in the EU because of increased flow of refugees and migrants on how to share responsibility and to include those getting asylum/right to stay into the life of the societies and into the labour market. The Schengen, the Dublin regulation is close to collapse. Countries do act individually, not as joint EU decisions.Europe is also challenged internally. After the crisis Europe has become more unequal and divided, with big differences in unemployment/youth unemployment, social and economic opportunies. Not least youth, inside Europe and from outside Europe, are on a move as migrants or they flee from conflicts and war dreaming of a better life somewhere else in Europe. Youth get pushed and pulled for it.No single country in Europe can give the necessary answers to this new situation. New methods, new methodology and tools need to be developed at transnational/ European level to get a better understanding of the root causes of migration, to develop new ways for inclusion of young migrants and refugees into the labour market and societies. There is a common need in Europe to focus on countries of destination and source of migrations, and to focus on the perception of migration is different in Europe. The partner countries Denmark, Romania and Albania do represent this diversity, and the European partner is including a wider European perspective. Overall objective: To form strategic partnerships and networks to develop a methodology and an Inclusion Tool Box on how to include/integrate young migrants and refugees into the labour market much faster, systematic and efficient than today.Specific objectives (headlines):- To analyse how the push and pull root causes and effects to youth EU internal mobility and migration from third countries.- To analyse the labour market ability to inclusion - or exclusion - of young migrants and refugees.- To approach the cultural differences and norms at the labour market and in social life in the countries.Number of participants: Directly involved: around 500. In addition around 500 more/stakeholders are indirectly involved in the core activities and the tragethed dissemination activities. The dissemination activities to reach alot of organisations and a wider public audience.Activities: A transnational/European Innovative Inclusion Committee and Innovative Inclusion Groups are established in the countries to develop the intellectual activities and intellectual outputs: Analysis from Albania and Romania on push and pull root causes and effects, analysis from Denmark on young migrant workers conditions/inclusion into the labour market, analysis from Denmark, Romania and Albania about inclusion/integration of refugees into the labour market, Inclusion Tool Box to be used by stakeholders, Video interviews with young refugees in the 3 countries on the root causes for fleeing. Training activities: 3 days European Training Seminar in Brussels, Training activities in the countries, also used as part of the development process and the test of the Inclusion Tool Box. Dissemination: Includes all relevant social media, project website, newsletters, press releases, reports, Inclusion Tool Box, videos, TV program, Transnational/European multiplyer event in Brussels and in the 3 countries, direct mailing information to a large number of organisations and stakeholders.Impacts (in brief): For participants: improved learning performance, sense of initiaitve and entrepeneurship, self-empowerment, intercultural and European cooperation and value awareness.For partners: encreased capacity and qualifications, transeuropean cooperation, improved youth and migrant/refugee work methods and integration of new tools as a result of an innovative development process.For Stakeholders: are actively involved in this development, it delivers new methodology and tools for inclusion of young migrants/refugees at local, national and European level.Results:- New methodology and Inclusion Tool Box is developed and tested, and for use .- 500 young people and trained in using it.- Stakeholders at all levels in Europe get new means for at better, faster and efficient inclusion into the labour market, and many are involved at an early stage.- Analysis / Reports deliver new information on the root causes and effect for migration.- Video interviews with young refugees in the 3 countries. - Offensive dissemination strategy is reaching large primary target groups/stakeholders, but also a much larger audience at European level.Long term benefits:The Methodology developed and the training activities have build up the capacity in the partner organisations and trained 500 mainly young people to continue the training activities.The Inclusion Tool Box, and the development process involving stakeholders will together with the dissemination work make it possible to qualify the future inclusion.
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5 Partners Participants