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Innovative development of entrepreneurial skills of youth
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young people on their way to adulthood face different challenges, but there is no bigger than to find a satisfactory job. Entrepreneurship is seen as one of the possible solutions to youth unemployment. The task of forming entrepreneurial skills in both formal and non-formal education is to promote creativity, innovation of the young people and their ability to identify and transfer the ideas into reality. The objectives of the project thus include identification of good practices, effective policies, practical tools and mentoring programmes which support and develop youth entrepreneurship and linking them to methodologies in the field of education which can promote the capacity and skills of youth to start the business. The methodology that will be applied in the project consists basically from three steps: 1. review of evidence what works in supporting entrepreneurial skills of the youth and development of an international research study, 2. implementation of local discussion forums with an involvement of sucessful entrepreneurs, young people and other relevant stakeholders to develop international recommendations to feed into the design of the training and 3. development of an innovative training curriculum. The results will be summarized in the Project Handbook which shall provide comprehensive guidance on how to promote entrepreneurial skills of young people. The clear instructions on how to implement such training programme in a multitude of institutions will have a positive impact on introduction of an effective training and/or incorporation of innovative features into education programmes supportive of development of youth entrepreneurship. The project activities will reach out to more than 600 participants coming from the primary target group of young people as well as from other stakeholders including employers, educational institutions, counselling centres, non-profit institutions and more. The objective is to integrate the results and the training inside the actual work of partners but also into the realm of other organisations that will participate both directly and indirectly in the project activities. Such integration would generate asset and longer term benefits when it comes to the delivery of quality training. The experiences of 5 partners making the INDESK partnership will be used to ensure usable and accessible products that develop entrepreneurial skills for use by not only young people and that complement existing practices and qualifications.
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4 Partners Participants