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Innovative Augmented Reality m-Services for Tourists (NaviTOUR)
Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of this project is the development of an integrated platform that will enhance the real world, as it is seen through the sensors of mobile devices (like a camera of a smart phone and a GPS receiver), with additional information in the concept of augmented reality, providing thus better services to visitors of a specific cultural site. Through this combination a tourist could observe the modern view of a specific site, but through technology one could travel in the past and see how that particular site looked like. As a result the tourist would access with information that cannot be provided through conventional channels. Apart from the historical information, the platform will support different augmented layers, for example accommodation capacity of the area, information about several events and activities organised in the area.This platform may benefit both the local authorities, as it can be regarded as a useful tool for the promotion of the area and the tourist services provided, but also the local SMEs as an alternative communication channel with potential customers, promoting thus the services/products offered, in a more efficient way. Expected Results: In a period, where technology constantly improves and people seek for alternative ways of spending their leisure time, the proposed platform may provide the involving authorities with a great opportunity of increasing number of visitors, a fact that is translated to an increment of the income due to tourist. This benefit is significant for the involving municipalities, as the income due to tourism for those areas is huge enough. The key factor of the proposed platform is its dynamic concept, i.e. the content may be constantly updated, through a useful environment, keeping up with the tourist policies of the involving authorities. Thus it can be adaptive to the constantly changeable needs of the local SMSs dealing with tourism. Finally an important issue faced by the proposed platform is the fact that via the utilization of technology, visiting of historical places can be easier for disabled people, providing thus equal opportunities to all, as far as site accessing concerned.
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  • 80.6%   163 110,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Greece - Albania IPA CBC (EL-AL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants