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Innovative advanced Wood-based Composite Materials and Components (WOODY)
Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Currently the world of polymeric composite materials is almost exclusively based on fossil derived components. This fact represents a strong issue, as the non-renewable global oil resources are being exploited year after year, also as a consequence of the ever growing demand for plastics engineering materials. WOODY Project goal is to develop new composite panels and laminates from wood derived renewable materials, providing performances competitive with respect to traditional composites. WOODY Project is aimed at introducing a fully innovative paradigm in the composite industry, thanks to development of materials derived from natural resources, enabling to cover the whole necessities of components: fibre, matrix and core. Enzymatic processing is developed in parallel to chemo-thermo-mechanical treatments, for achieving the maximum throughput and eco-sustainability. The breakthrough innovation in materials is backed by an innovative approach in design of composite products, the so called “Composite Thinking”, starting from the phase of conception, to the production and installation, enabling to rethink products and fully exploiting the potentialities of composites. Quality of the approach is based on multidisciplinary research and on the target oriented to the redefinition of the whole processing value-chain for wood derived cellulose nano fibrils and resins deriving from natural raw materials, and the related manufacturing processes for advanced composite components. The Project is aimed to set the basis for the development of a new class of products optimising the use of the natural resources. Such approach is therefore expected to increase the tendency for wild forest areas recovery, and to promote the culture of wooden species dedicated to the extraction of compounds finalized to the production of renewable composite materials.

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