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Innovation Clusters for the Transport Industry (InnoTrax)
Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The operation InnoTrax- Innovation Clusters for the Transport Industry focuses on microsystem technology, optics and telematics in the transport industry. Technology centres, universities and institutes supporting innovation in the transport sector are scattered throughout the EU and lack suitable networks. Similarly, innovative SMEs of the transport sector require more integrated structures to improve SME access to knowledge and technology and enhance access to international markets. Objectives The overall objective of the operation is to support collaboration of the various players involved in innovation in the transport sector. Structured around the three core issues 1) strategic technology management and networking, 2) supplier relationship management, and 3) human mobility, InnoTrax aims at increasing development potentials of partner regions and strives to establish long-term collaborations. Results The operation results in the transfer of knowledge and best practice related to microsystems technology, optics, and telematics in the transport sector among research institutions, SMEs and regional authorities. It improves SME access to knowledge and supports the creation of innovative interregional clusters to increase competitiveness of participating regions. Activities focus on the establishment of a platform for the exchange of information and best practices and common promotion activities. Based on the assessment of needs and requirements of the sector, partners develop and implement a range of services for companies, policy makers, and investors. Specific attention is paid to improve the access of companies and stakeholders to qualified experts and tools.

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  • 55.6%   709 596,05
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC East
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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12 Partners Participants