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INNOCOOP - New Forms of Learning how to Innovate through means of Co-operation in a more Global and Digital Society

INNOCOOP will encourage the use of new technologies and ICT for both rural SMEs and individual employees enhancing the learning process for those at a geographical disadvantage.The project will initially investigate existing learning patterns and will produce an outline of learning needs to enable support to be introduced at an appropriate level. New learning patterns will be introduced (learning by doing, organisational learning, collective learning) to be based upon organisational co-operation & innovation and the use of distance learning.A series of learning modules will be developed and a specific 'training for trainers' element devised, with all developments then featuring upon a dedicated learning platform, as developed by the project. The platform will feature actual distance learning modules in addition to a learning forum and learning notebook for common use by the users. The platform will serve the needs of both rural workers and SMEs in providing for non-scheduled learning, to fit in with the existing workplace demands. It will further benefit micro-employers in breaking the restrictions of rural existence and providing access to the digital highway.The project will establish a European co-operation network able to exchange information, experience and best practice through the use of new technologies and will contribute to the ongoing development of rural SMEs in their adoption of ICT as a means to meet their own learning needs.It is proposed to raise awareness of the activities and developments of the project through the production of articles in relevant press and journals and through national networking (both electronic and traditional) by each of the involved partner organisations.
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