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Initial VET in Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the Practices Consortium coordinated by Fundació BCN Formació Professional is to improve the competitiveness and employability of recent graduates of initial vocational training of the vocational schools of Barcelona across a period of practices in different European countries. The project also aims to generate a positive impact increasing and diversifying the professional experience of Initial VET graduates. Al same time the project aims to foster the European identity of the youngster to improve the professional mobility. Also, the project pretends to enforce the skills and knowledge of the Chemistry and Audiovisuals. The present consortium focuses his activity in mobility for graduates in individual vocational training but wants to maximize the participation of more schools and VET students in the next future. Both, Fundación BCN Formación Profesional wants to continuous being the reference institution of Barcelona in relation with the coordination and execution of European education programs. With the project development, the consortium pretends that a total among of 20 graduates in initial vocational training acquire more professional experience related with the finished studies and, at same time, that this background helps them increasing their employability and strengthening they entry into the labor market. The project will allow that the youngsters develop 2 months of practices in different companies. At same time, the projects pretends that Barcelona has VET professionals with more and more diverse knowledge around their professional field across Job Shadowing stages in reference countries of their professional field.
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