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Information Society Network (ISN)

ISN partnership held 8 seminars in different partner cities,creating an opportunity for each partner to showcase goodpractice examples. These examples acted as a catalyst togenerating debate and material that the expert could use todraw conclusions.The seminars covered for each of the four sub themes:1. E-Democracy and Empowerment – ICT can be usedto encourage citizens to participate in decision making intheir community. ICT can increase the choice of channels forcommunicating with citizens and improve the consultationprocess.2. Citizens Access – government and public authorities areincreasingly using ICT to provide a better service at a lowercost. This fact can have a negative effect due to the exclusionit can cause for those members of society without access.3. ICT and Business Development – business can becomemore efficient and profitable through the use of ICT.4. Culture, E-Content and Citizenship – ICT can help topromote the inclusion of different social groups and throughcultural activities it is possible to engage with local citizens.The case study approach adopted by ISN allowed the analysisto highlight interesting projects, a large number of whichcan be found in the network final report. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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  • 50%   339 879,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

12 Partners Participants