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INFOCYCLE - Development of a Communication and Training campaign for the recycling of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE) (LIFE)
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background According to the latest available data, generation of electronic waste in Greece is estimated around 14 kg/per capita annually, significantly higher against the EU average (3.5kg/capita). However, the existing collective system is facing significant issues resulting in poor management of the specific waste stream leading in severe ecosystem degradation. The EU environmental waste policy sets numerous targets for the sound management of different waste streams. However the Directive 2012/19/EU, sets exact specifications for the sound treatment of WEEE and specific quantitative targets for the member states. The collection rate of WEEE in Greece is rather limited as a result of poor participation by the citizens, due to several causes. First, low levels of environmental education and culture. Citizens are poorly - and sometimes superficially – informed, so they choose not to participate in WEEE recycling schemes. Second, the limited participation of the local government bodies to the implementation of the recycling schemes of WEEE creates a general issue of mistrust towards the local institutions. In fact, according to multiple consumer behaviour studies conducted by the beneficiary, the basic factor that affects recycling among Greek citizens is the limited trust towards the recycling systems. Third, the existence of peddlers that are illegally collecting and trading WEEE parts in extremely low prices is another factor that hinders the effectiveness of the current recycling scheme. Fourth, the companies that are cooperating with the Appliances Recycling S.A. system are not implementing the foreseen environmental techniques when managing the end of life equipment. As a result, collected WEEE are of low quality, parts of significant market value (when recycled) are missing while on the other hand specific hazardous substances such as Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Asbestos and PCBs are extracted without specific precautions, endangering the natural environment. Objectives The project aims at addressing the limited available quantity of WEEE in the Ipirus and Thessaly regions. Actions will aim at increasing the quality of processes by the partners of the existing collective recycling scheme, thus minimising its environmental footprint. Complementary, several actions are foreseen to increase environmental awareness and local culture regarding the risks of maltreating WEEE. More specifically, the project has planned significant communication actions such as numerous campaigns in the local press and the internet, organisation of local road shows and a series of training activities both to the partners of the recycling scheme and to local authorities. The project will generate significant policy implications. Currently, Greece is on itsway to implementing a new solid waste management policy for the next 15 years. The results of this project may be useful not only to the management of WEEE but also to other waste streams. Enhancement of the environmental education can generate a solid basis for increasing the citizens’ participation in any recycling scheme, improving today’s situation dramatically. Expected results: The expected results of the project are the following: A 10% increase in spontaneous awareness of different types of appliances that are recycled; A 10% increase in spontaneous awareness of appliances’ recycling environmental benefits; An estimated 3 000 visitors to the project’s website; A 20% increase of the collected WEEE from the collaborating network of the beneficiary one year after the start of the communication campaign in the areas of interest; and A 10% reduction of the damaged appliances entering the alternative waste management system in the application areas, after the completion of the two year project period.
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