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Industrialised energy efficient retrofitting of resident buildings in cold climates (E2REBUILD)
Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The vision of E2ReBuild is to transform the retrofitting construction sector from the current craft and resource based construction towards an innovative, high-tech, energy efficient industrialised sector.E2ReBuild aims to- investigate, promote and demonstrate cost effective and advanced energy efficient retrofit strategies that create added value for existing apartment buildings and endorse end-users to stay and build a dynamic society- to establish and demonstrate sustainable renovation solutions that will greatly reduce the energy use- to create a holistic industrialised process that minimises technical and social disturbance for tenants and facilitates energy efficient operation and use of the buildings including encouraging energy efficient behaviourThis will be achieved by transferring technical innovations and advances from research to application and wide use. It will also change current inefficient way of doing business to a “win-win” situation for all involved actors. By understanding and matching the needs of stakeholders a holistic, new design and decision tool will be introduced. E2ReBuild will create added values by optimizing space use, improving comfort and integration of advanced technologies. By introducing industrial manufacturing methods and standardise retrofit measures that allow a high replication potential (60 % of existing apartment buildings for the studied regions and period), the energy use (during construction and operation) and waste can be minimised, ad, the quality and indoor environment can be improved.E2ReBuild will demonstrate, monitor and evaluate proposed technologies, processes and measures in 7 full-scale residential building projects, with typologies representative for large geographical areas in Europe.
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