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Industrial Cluster Development (INCLUD)
Start date: Nov 30, 2002, End date: Dec 30, 2004 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to EU countries experience, the clustering model of production organization is a strong impulse to stimulate innovation as well as SMEs enhancement, seen as a way to overcome in a limited time problems arising from the necessity of the non EU countries in the present transition period to deal with the challenge of international competition and globalisation. A second point, not less important, is the social problem, given that the cluster organization can help cooperation and networking between businesses, between businesses and institutions and between businesses and Universities and research centres, facilitating the development of the society, especially in these transition countries where the lack of networking is particularly felt. Expected Results: The general effect of INCLUD is to share and forward the experience concerning industrial cluster systems made in EU Member States to Non-EU Member States and to increase the sensitiveness of all participating bodies for the concept of cluster development. Moreover, behaviour schemes have been developed to support cluster organisation in CADSES - particularly in the Non-EU Member States. A network of relationships, regulations and cooperation agreements is one central achievement of the project. Another effect of the project is the development of international relationships among local SMEs in the field of product marketing as well as commercial and technological agreements. The pilot experience indicates the most appropriate tools to supply and further develop this network. It also provides an estimation of the cost-benefit parameters for approaching the cluster problem by creating a cluster service. The general result is the demonstration that increasing the networking and competitiveness of SMEs by cluster formation results in job opportunities and economic growth.

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  • 43.8%   1 200 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

11 Partners Participants