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Individual Student Mobility Plus for German, Italian and Spanish Partners
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project deals with a IPM (Individual Pupils Mobility) carried out by 3 European Schools: IIS Scalcerle (from Italy), IES Saramago (from Spain) and KHS Fritzlar (from Germany). This project is inserted in a long-term relationship established between IIS Scalcerle and the other participant schools, who has been working together on different European programmes since 2005 (school exchanges, Leonardo programmes and Comenius partnerships). IIS Scalcerle intents to have five of its students a year (total amount: 10 students in two years) studying for the one term (3 months) in the others partner schools to benefit from the complete immersion in the everyday life in the foreign countries. At the same time it's receiving five students (total amount: 10 students in two years) coming from the others partner schools: 6 from Spain and 4 from Germany. During their period abroad, students will attend the same subjects they study at home, so that at the end of the period, when they come back to their school their teacher will be able to verify their preparation, also with the help of some assessments sheets providen by the hosting school teachers. For that purpose we are working with a study scheme which will help students to attend the lessons while at the same time they will have time to know better the culture of the country where they're living, in order to improve their feeling of European citizenship. At the end of the period abroad students will receive an Europass with a general description of the activities carried out and the competences reached. All the components involved into the project are expected to receive benefits from this experience. First of all, students will widen their cultural, social and european knowledges and their self-consciousness and their self-esteem will also grow. Teachers will have the opportunity to know different school systems and to became acquainted about different teaching methods and evaluation values. Families will learn how to interact with a person who doesn't share the same way of living and will learn more about the culture of the student they host. Dissemination will also have an important part into the project: during the mobility students will write a blog about their experience, every school will use a section of its websites to talk about the results of the mobilities, tools for checking and monitoring (forms & sheets) will be available on the websites, at the end of experience a public meeting is foreseen in order to talk about the results of the whole experience and to present the intellectual outputs. The expected impact is the diffusion of long term exchanges between European schools during the school curriculum. The objective is to contribute to the spread of this exchange of experience providing tools that can be used in schools for the aknowledgement of credits receiveded while attending abroad. We propose to put into practice a key action indicated by Erasmus+ Guide: “the impact of this Key Action is intended to be ………….increased synergies and links and improved transition between the different systems of education, training and youth at national level, with improved use of European reference tools for recognition, validation and transparency of competences and qualifications”.
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2 Partners Participants