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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

INCUBATOR FOR INNOVATIVE PRACTICES Roland Garros high school, which welcomes 2,300 students, is located in the town of Tampon in Reunion Island. Our territorial specificity is to be both integrated in the Indian Ocean area and in the European area. However, remoteness and insularity are handicaps for professional integration and openness to international markets. School dropout in Reunion Island is almost two times higher than in metropolitan France. That's the reason why we want to set up innovative activities to better support students in their learning path in high school and to better fight against dropping out. Furthermore, we want to revitalize language teaching and collaboration between teachers developed through multidisciplinary projects. We also want to promote exchanges and mobility in the European area. For this, we want to set up in our institution, a platform to promote innovative practices. This device will lean on the skills acquired by the staff during mobility. 18 people selected and trained according to their specificities (teachers, educational adviser, librarian, technological education coordinator, accountant) will be the resources of this platform. This team has the mission to support project leaders in school, as well as to promote exchanges and mobility in the European area. To do this, team people need to develop their personal skills in a context of exchange with European partners. We want to train four teachers in a language school in Ireland and three teachers in a language school in Spain. These teachers will pass a certification exam that allows them to teach their subject in a foreign language. The educational adviser will receive training in English to develop mobility projects for vocational training (KA1). The technological education coordinator have to strengthen his spanish language practice to build strategic partnerships (KA2) in technological classes. Five people will go to a Swedish high school and four others in a Spanish high school. They will have to observe and analyze good teaching and educational practices concerning implementation of innovative projects and monitoring of early school leavers. Reinvestment in our school will be in two ways. In first place with the establishment of an INCUBATOR INNOVATIVE PRACTICES. This device will aim to boost language learning and also to boost projects promoting exchanges and mobility in the European area. We expect to implement three projects with an European dimension : one for general studies, one for technological studies and one for vocational studies. In second place, by experimenting with innovative practices in a class with students presenting demobilization risks facing learning. With this action we intend to reduce absenteeism and dropping out. We plan to extend this experiment to two other classes with similar profiles of students. Through the required mobility (18 for 350 staffs), we want to encourage a strong process of modernization in teaching practices and promote international openness. Therefore, with 5 % of staff trained (European mobility) we will get a multiplier effect on other personnel to improve student support and provide the conditions for a fulfilling education in a school open to the world.
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