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Increasing environmental awareness and networking in local administration in Finland and Estonia
Start date: Jul 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project evolves co-operation of local authorities in environmental issues in Finland and Estonia. It activates contacts and exchange of information between administration and NGO's at local level, and arranges seminars and training sessions at regional and cross-border level. Project collects information necessary for environmental programmes as well as for development of environmental indicators. One result will be a guidebook for training in local agenda activities. Project stared in 2002 in the Special Support Measure (EU Enlargement). Target areas: Southern Finland (Forssa, Hämeenlinna region, Kouvola region, Lahti, Lohja Hyvinkää and Salo) and Märjamaa, Narva, Viljandi, Kuresaare and Tallinn (Estonia)

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