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Increasing Capacities in Cities for Innovative Financing in Energy Efficiency (CITYnvest)
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CITYnvest strives to introduce innovative financing models (revolving funds, EPC,TPF, cooperative models, etc.) in 3 Pilot Regions (partners Liège (BE), Rhodope (BG) and Murcia (ES)) and conduct a wide-scale capacity building programme in 10 focus countries concerning specific financial instruments/business models. The assessment of innovative financial models is integral to discovering opportunities and identifying and overcoming barriers that specifically local and regional levels face. The project aims to develop a web-based portal that provides diverse practical guidance and match-makes experienced forerunners with less-experienced first-timer authorities. CITYnvest will spread the under-utilized financing models that enable project bundling and aggregation by mobilising the entire value chain at the regional/local level towards Horizon 2020’s energy efficiency goals. To succeed, the project will first tackle public authorities’ lack of understanding and knowledge on innovative financing models for sustainable energy services, especially retrofitting the building stock. Second, CITYnvest’s concrete guidance will ensure in-depth capacity building and training. Third, close collaboration with authorities will trigger innovative financing schemes implementation and mobilise finance for energy efficiency services. Organization of consistent follow-up will monitor progress towards the objective of 37,5 GWh savings/year and other commitments. Finally, the national structures (of CEMR and CA) and invited experts will liaise with the participating public authorities in the capacity building programs to achieve CITYnvest’s goal of ensuring long-term engagement.CITYnvest partners liaise with an Advisory Expert Group and pool of experts to provide the expertise and guidance/training. CITYnvest will further create synergies with other wide-spread initiatives, such as the Covenant of Mayors, linking SEAPS to innovative financing models for energy efficiency.
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6 Partners Participants