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Increase competences to improve project's design and management
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

General aim of the Seminar “Increase competences to improve project's design and management” (Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina, from 9 till 16 January 2016) is to create an international educational process able to increase knowledge and competences on project's design and management in the youth field for 27 youth and social workers, NGOs staff, peer educators and volunteers, expert in environmental subjects, young artists, youth leaders and trainers coming from 9 different European countries. The idea of the seminar is to provide a platform for discussion and exchange of good practice in order to define common standards and quality elements in project's design and management in the youth field, and to draw feasible future activities/scenarios able to broaden the opportunities for the social, cultural, environmental and economic inclusion of young people in the community. Through this project, our organisation together with rest of partners would like to answer the demand and need of actions in short and long term period coming from different actors engaged in Youth work (local communities, youth and social workers, youth centres, community house, social cooperatives, Nature Reserves, etc.) and to improve the efficiency and enriched the quality of the work done at the grassroots level by every organisation. Considering the subject and the aims of the project, the common objectives that partners decide to achieve are: to know and share some good examples, best practices, working methods and practical tools realised by associations, groups of citizens and local institutions in order to define common standards and quality elements in project's design and management in the youth field for future activities at local and international level; to provide to youth and social workers, NGOs staff, peer educators and volunteers, expert in environmental subjects, young artists, youth leaders and trainers a platform of discussion in order to draw feasible future scenarios/projects and to develop methodologies, activities, practical tools and work dynamics able to create a positive impact in our communities and to encourage a wider engagement from young people; to analyse the methods and tools to transfer and spread in each community involved (multiply effect) both the experiences acquired and the final outcomes of this project in order to improve the youth work at grassroots level especially with young people with less opportunities; to reinforce the link among the partners at international level and to give continuity to the activities started in previous years in order to contribute with new projects to a high quality implementation of ERASMUS+ Programme and to develop the capacity for youth NGOs to better deal with subjects such as youth centres and youth culture, sustainable development and environmental protection, social enterprise and green jobs. During all phases of the project will be respected and applied the principles of non formal education: all the methodologies that will be used (sharing by experiences, peer education, learning by doing and through interaction, ORA methodology, intercultural learning, self direct learning) and dynamics proposed (ice breakers, team building, role play, working groups, dynamic presentations, debriefing and evaluation) are designed to ensure the direct involvement of the participants at any time of the project promoting freedom of expression, exchange and cooperation, interaction and creativity. Methodologies will also adopt tools/approaches coming from Compass and Compasito manuals. Majority of sessions will be based on participative/active learning combining theoretical and practical inputs coming from the team of facilitators/trainers or directly by the participants. Furthermore, the methodology used will be strongly oriented in terms of intercultural learning paying attention to the cultural diversity represented by the partnership, promoting a good environment, mutual understanding and cooperation among all participants. The entire project will be coordinated by an international team composed by three facilitators/trainers coming from Germany, Serbia and Italy assisted by 2 support staff coming from Germany and Bosnia Herzegovina. The team of facilitators/trainers will be in charge to switch on the communication among the partners and participants playing the double role of coordinator of the preparatory phase and resource persons for the activities.

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8 Partners Participants