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Inclusive Future
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Youth Exchange will be held 6-13/01/2017 in Fornos de Algodres, Portugal. This youth exchange will bring together 36 participants from 6 countries: Portugal, Poland, Estonia, Spain, Italy and Romania.Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the "old notions of" poverty and marginalization.Social exclusion is often a cause of poverty, conflict and insecurity. If we are to tackle it effectively, we need to identify where's theproblem, understand it better and find appropriate ways of working with different partners and stakeholders.The main theme of this youth exchange will be focused on raising European awareness to the possibilities of a more inclusive society. The idea of this project meets the expressed need that society has to deal efficiently with social exclusion, discrimination/marginalization within young people. This project will treat the phenomena of exclusion originated by insecurity, feelings of estrangement and increase of unemployment rate among young people. With this youth exchange we aim to develop the skills and competences relevant to tackle social exclusion, thus fostering active participation of excluded and marginalised groups.Key concepts which will be explored in this youth exchange: inclusion, exclusion, discrimination, empowerment, youth participation, active citizenship, etc. Participants will learn new information, they will have space for discussion, debates, sharing and development of new tools on how to facilitate the work with youngsters who suffer from social exclusion.The Youth Exchange will use non-formal education methodology which will be based on open and interactive approaches anddirectly aimed at creating a safe and comfortable learning environment for the participants (that will facilitate the development andacquisition of new skills and competences), thus contributing to their social and personal development. Within the youth exchangeeach participant will be able to develop his own capacities and in particular the ability to get in contact with unknown people coming from different nations as well as to work in a multicultural team (getting to know people of different ages, with different backgrounds and lifestyles). They will develop: the ability to listen to other ideas, improve their communication, come up with initiatives that promote inclusion, etc.

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