Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 24, 2014, End date: Dec 24, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Illusionarts" is a mixture of outdoor-education, theatral elements and inclusion of disabled people. Three volunteers will live and work together in our house here in Fahren (little village in northern Germany). One of them will be a girl with spastic disease, who we invited last year to join a project for finding out if doing EVS is something fitting to her idea of life. Another female and a male volunteer will support the first mentioned volunteer. All will work -according to their desires and abilities- in the office, i the house and in youth exchange projects. They learn how to deal with outdoor equipment, how to use, how to take care of. We offer and lead class tours, holiday trips or seminares in our house as well - so all everyday work like cleaning the house, cutting and piling wood (for a warm house in winter) also belongs to the work fields of our volunteers, as much as learning to develop and lead projects. - What do I have to organize? Who do I have to give a call? How does my timetable work? How much should one buy, to feed a group for a known time? - To answer on those and similar questions, our volunteers learn by doing it. The first try of course most is sprinkled with many difficulties, but at the end of one year, most of our volunteers are nearly professionals in those fields and have a big rucksack full of know-how, which they can take with on their further journey.

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