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InBuiltSafety - The Language of Health and Safety in the Construction Environment: An Interactive Multilingual Learning and Reference Tool

InBuiltSafety is to meet the needs of the construction industry in providing for the cost-effective and time saving acquisition of language skills and the development of communicative competencies of specialists and workers in multinational SMEs.The project will, following a detailed needs analysis across the industry, design, develop and produce language learning materials for the construction industry through the joint efforts of both educational experts and SME specialists.The focus will be to allow the language-learners (employees in the construction industry) to learn as and when they are able, fitting in with the existing demands of their employment. Material will be presented across a variety of themes and levels to include language style, non-verbal communication and sign language.A further tri-lingual glossary of basic and frequently used terms will be produced by the project covering the field of Health and Safety in the European Construction Industry.The end products and materials will initially be developed in the three partner languages (BG, EN & EL) for potential future expansion and will be made available both via the internet and through production of specialist CD-Rom and paper-based materials.
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4 Partners Participants