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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context.According to the latest Eurostat data (December 2015), the unemployment rate in Europe has fallen by about 1% compared to 2014, settling at 9%; on the other hand, there is still a gap between North and South EU countries.Youth unemployment in the eurozone (under 25 years) decrease of one percentage point in December 2015 (22%) compared to the same month of 2014, and in the EU from 21.2% in December 2014 to 19.7% in December 2015, but even in this case the data show a marked difference between the Nordic and the Southern countriesSpecifically, what is worrying is the data of the NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) where countries as Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal registered value significantly above the UE average.Background.According to EU guidelines (COM / 2013/0447), the project IN.TRA-WORK aims to:1. Making initiatives to promote youth employment, helping young people to enter in labor market and remain there, acquiring and developing those skills that foster their employment.2. Facilitating the study-work transition and promoting apprenticeships and high quality traineeships and countering skills shortages;3. Strengthening education and vocational training, improve counseling services for students, prevent early school leaving.The project objectives are:(a) To qualify companies as a place of learning, involving them since the curricula design;(b) Orient candidates to critical local professions;(c) To increase the company's adaptability to the competences of the candidates and vice versa;(d) Introducing new forms of working insertion and job counseling;(e) to enhance learning and employability of candidates and create a new right of citizenship by promoting the transition to working life.Number and profile of participants: at least 3 trainers for each partners for the training for trainers activity (IT / ES / D) and n. 10 students for partners for the pilot experience (IT / ES / D).Activities.(A) Training of trainers. This activity aims to furnish trainers to useful knowledge and tools to implement a cycle that reproduces all transition steps to the entrance in the labor market, building professional profiles starting from enterprises' needs and creating new curricula for those "critical figures" that are requested but difficult to find in the labor market.Transition cycle:I) mapping of potentially interested companies;II) telephone contact with companies;III) company visit;IV) needs analysis and definition of new training programs/curricula to provide related skills;V) motivational interviews to identify the degree of adaptability and flexibility of young participants in relation at the context analysed;VI) registration of participating companies and management of business seminars;VII) management and visualization of the reference labor market; VIII) management and mentoring of student selection interviews at the companies,IX) handling and display of allocation processes in the labor market of the reference companies.(B) Pilot experiences in IT / E / D with 10 students of Vocational Training (16-25 years). The experiences will test both the "labour market" simulation and the training courses. The aims are both perform the classroom activities and the following labour experiences in the selected/participating company, promoting quality internships and apprenticeships.Expected results.-Develop innovative and effective transition methods from school/training to work in IeFP context, starting from an analysis of the existing good practices;-Promote a real experience of supply and demand into the VET offer. Offer students, enterprises and educational institutions of those tools that can be usefull for the implementation of the IN.TRA-WORK method,-To build personalized training pathways to support the full integration of the selected students into the relative companies/ customized forms of accompaniment, especially for young people with discomfort (NEET);-Creation of new forms of working insertion and accompanying work.-Strengthen collaboration between VET providers and company;-Update professional profiles in relation to business needs;-Promote the idea of in-company training.BeneficiariesThe main beneficiaries are VET provider, trainers and young people.Relevant stakeholeder are companies, public administration, trade associations.
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4 Partners Participants