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IN ITINERE. Access to work, go to work safe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT Traffic accidents represent one of the main causes of mortality and disability. Road safety education (EV) is a part of the integral formation of the persons. Traffic as a cause of labour accident rate is very significant and commuting accidents are almost 1 in 10 accidents and 1 in 3 fatal accidents is due to a traffic accident. Hence the importance of EV for youth and adults, especially those with lower educational qualifications and added difficulties. Integration of people with disabilities goes through labour integration that allows them to lead an independent life. If it is currently difficult to have a job for young people in Europe, for those who have additional difficulties is even harder therefore the preparation, education and training is essential and must take into account all aspects that allow them not to lose the few opportunities they face. EV (Road safety education) develops competences autonomy and safety especially because one of the topics that influence distrust among disabled people is the lack of autonomy Therefore, as part of the training for life and employment, young people should be autonomous to get to their jobs safely. Our experience in the difficult field of inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities in the labour world has shown cases where guys after obtaining a job in the regular market has not been possible incorporation by the lack of autonomy in the transfer to the workplace. This leads us to conjecture that is a key aspect in the training curriculum of these people. TARGET POPULATION Youth and adults with disabilities and initial levels of educational professionals and their educators. People in job training processes or working either in sheltered employment, administrations and businesses. Professional educators and non-formal educators. Public and Social Entities wishing to train active workers or job applicants. Companies which develop formation for their workers, insurance companies and labour risks prevention. OBJECTIVES -To create educational tools to develop competences, to provide knowledge, attitudes and habits that prevent commuting accidents in young and adults with disabilities in training for the acquisition, maintenance or development of basic skills. - To develop autonomy and independence, to strengthen education and road safety skills. - To work contents related to the use of motor vehicles in persons with disabilities. - To relate prevention of commuting accidents to the training processes to access or improve the labour market: training for work and train to get to work safely. - Use video as a teaching tool: learning to perform instructional videos to use in training processes and learning to carry out with disabled users. - Train teachers in the use of ICT in education. PRODUCTS: One baseline report about the reality of commuting accidents in partner countries and road safety education resources. Two guides for the teachers. 1. Guide for educators to design road safety education videos. 2. Guide for educators for the educational use of exploitation road safety education videos. 8 video modules. 1st Video. Traffic accidents and commuting accidents 2nd Video. To walk to work 3rd Video. I'm on BUS 4th Video. Tram displacement 5th Video. Go Underground 6th Video. Go by bike 7th Video. They drive me 8th Video. Recommendations and Best Practices. Member entities will incorporate tools designed to their services and they will improve the quality of its educational supply, both in direct action with the students and with the teaching staff. The material will be based on training offers for educators and road safety officers and partners will provide courses in their online platforms. Organizations teams will rehance their competences in development of road safety education in general and on preventing commuting accidents , they will improve their skills in the use of ICTs with special target populations. The target group will improve their autonomy and road safety; the target group will be aware of the risks and behaviours to avoid them and they will be aware of the factors that intervene in accidents. It will be distributed to interest groups as public and social entities wich wish to make worker training and It will be distributed to companies wich develop worker training; insurance companies, Labour risk prevention companies are expected to use the resources produced in their environments.
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3 Partners Participants