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Improving the Quality of the Services offered by the Gozo College through Exposure to Professional Development at the European Level
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The activities of the three (3) courses being attended by the three (3) officials from the office of of the College Principal include both theoretical as well as practical sessions as detailed in the website of the provider:; and The chosen three(3) officials are ideally placed participants for the said training course since they coordinate the activities and curricular as well as the professional development of whole Gozo College development and so would disseminate the knowledge acquired from this course with many teachers through the Professional Development sessions and in-service training courses that they conduct. The participants also meet regularly with their colleagues who work in the other colleges in Malta and thus they would be able to disseminate the information gained from this course with them as well.The Gozo College strives to improve digital learning in all its schools. This training course will help the participants to explore new tools and techniques to stimulate the interest of young learners and to introduce innovative teaching methods in our schools. Teachers need to keep abreast with new methods of teaching to improve their professional skills. By attending this course, the participants will learn theories and practices related with eLearning, different teaching/learning methods and discuss best practices and innovation through workshops held during the training course. The course will present a variety of software solutions aiming at the creation and maintenance of a digital classroom in the humanities and social sciences subjects. Participants will acquire and share experience of working with new media in a digital classroom environment. The two participants selected work as eLearning support teachers within the Gozo College. They are the ideal participants for this training course since they visit most of the schools in the College and would disseminate the knowledge acquired from this course with many teachers through the Professional Development sessions and in-service training courses that they conduct. The participants also meet regularly with their colleagues who work in the other colleges in Malta and thus they would be able to disseminate the information gained from this course with them as well.The activities organised in the course are both theoretical and practical. Various methodological approaches will be used such as brainstorming, group discussion, group survey, critical debates and collaborative learning. The main activities organised are the following:- Introduction to ICT in Education particularly in the humanities and Social Sciences subjects;- Innovations and challenges in the digital classroom;- How to use Google in the classroom;- Discussion and team work: national strategies for e-learning, distance learning and open learning in digital environment;- Using Blogs in the Classroom;- Using multimedia tools (audio and video);- Synchronous and asynchronous online communication in the learning process;- Computer-mediated communication and Social Media;- Creating quizzes, tests and exams online;- The use of social networking and Web 2.0 tools for online learning;- Digital games and learning - games in the context of new media;- E-games and foreign languages learning;- Word games online - serious games and simulations in the digital classroom;- Group work: evaluation of e-games for learning;- Cultural and sightseeing activities;- How to design your own Website;- Discussion on the digital and the traditional classroom.The implementation of this mobility project gives the participants involved, the opportunity to share a learning atmosphere of intercultural learning and can be the basis for further partnerships such as in eTwinning. It will also improve the participants' knowledge on the pedagogical methodology, both in theory and practice. The knowledge acquired will be disseminated with other teachers forming part of the Gozo College, thus having a direct impact on the students' learning and making them aware of skills, knowledge and attitudes that everyone needs in life at school and beyond.
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